NEED HELP assembly of cobra or davis derringer

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Jul 13, 2011
tampa bay
I have one in pieces.... dont ask (yes i know they shouldnt be taken apart. But i didnt know until it was too late)

With enough time i may be able to figure it out, as im pretty sure i know were the parts go. I dont wanna loose the very small lock ball (seems to be a 1/8" ball barring) i lost it once but my wife found it 2 weeks later in the carpet by chance (goes to show procrastinating isnt always a bad thing as i had been meaning to order a new one but was hoping to go out to soe hardware stores first to search for a ball berring of the same size)

Its just the locking lever thats in pieces. The barrel is off for ease of access. So were not looking at the hammer or the safety at all.

I have lookd all over the net and youtube and cant find anything. Maybe the fact that your not supose to take it a part would be the reason. Lol.

Please excuse any typos. Im typing from a phone and for some reason i cant get the curser to go back to edit.
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