Need Info on These Components

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Nov 24, 2007
Smyrna Tennessee
Came across some components and need any info on them. These came from a company in east tennessee a few years ago. I'll find out which city in the next day or so. The company has closed/moved and these were left behind for the new company to dispose of when they moved in. A friend of mine cleared it out and stored it. The buckets are about 6 inches tall and some have jackets, cores, powder, or mixtures in them. Any idea what I could do with these, the value maybe? There are over 50 buckets.

I'll let the pics speak for now.


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To my un-trained and rather limitedly experienced eye, those appear to be bullets in various stages of manufacture. None complete that I see.

Being containerized like that - may they be reject from an assembly line?

I'd guess their value would be as scrap.
ST, wish I'd a thought of doing that. The phone numbers match with the address - at least by area - that is also on the labels. No idea what "J4" was, but currently at that address is a plastics injection molding company. Maybe J4 'lived' there in earlier days.

Maybe instead of rejects, those are components shipped from California to TN.
J4 was a company that made some of the best match rifle bullet jackets. They also made other bullets, as you can see. Some companies still use the J4 style of jacket for their match bullets.

I have the equipment (bullet swaging dies) to finish the bullets in the middle bucket, if they're 9mm or .38 bullets. How many do you have and what would you want for them?

Hope this helps.

Any idea what I could do with these
Sell the completed bullets. The supplies can be sold to bullet makers. Or sell for scrap. Only 2 companys make jackets for sale to others. Sierra and Berger. J4 is made by Berger. After looking at your photos, i see a lot of SCRAP
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Don't use unknown reloading components!! Doing so is asking for trouble.

Take them to a scrap dealer.

At least that is MY opinion.

I have buckets in various stages of completion. Most are just cores, some mixed and most sorted by size. I also have some buckets of a powdery substance that I think is supposed to be compressed to make cores. I also have a larger bucket of jackets with cores that are half completed in mostly 223 & 30 cal. One of the buckets looks to be samples that were crushed, I'm gonna guess it was a way to test them for deformation without shooting them.

ReloaderFred, they are 9mm mostly, and I will see how many there are and get back to you.

I knew someone here had the tools to finish some of these. I'll get some measurements and weights and get back with that info soon.


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I could be wrong, but looks like Berger j4 dont come in 9mm From Berger >
Match Grade Bullets
We only make match grade rifle bullets for Varmint, Target and Hunting. When we say “Match Grade” we mean that the highest quality copper and lead available is used in a process focused entirely on consistency rather than speed. The copper is made into the J4 Precision Jacket, which is recognized around the world as having the best concentricity available. We don't just claim to make jackets that measure .0003 or less variation in wall thickness, we actually do it with every lot. More often you will find that J4 Precision Jackets measure .0002 or less. This can easily be verified and is the reason why handmade custom bullet producers use J4 Precision Jackets exclusively. We make all of our J4 Precision Jackets and bullets on one set of dies to insure that all of the bullets in each box are as consistent as possible. Consistency is the key to precision and accuracy and no one makes bullets as consistent from lot to lot and within a given lot as Berger Bullets.
What does Berger care about pistol bullets anyway. He has been in the precision rifle bullet business your years though.
Yes, I'm interested in both 9mm and .38 caliber bullets that need to be finished.

The bucket with powdered metal could well be the raw product for making sintered bullets. That takes tremendous pressure to complete, though.

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