Need recommendations for Thompson SMG SBR project!!!

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Eppy Thatcher

Feb 9, 2003

I've always wanted a Thompson SMG, but can't afford the $8-10K for a real one. I need a gunsmith who can cut the barrel on a Auto Ordnance 1927 Deluxe from 16" to 10". Don't worry, it will be registered with the ATF as a SBR. I am looking for recommendations. Thanks in advance for your help.

TSMG barrels are fairly common and I would see about buying one before spending money on converting the 18" one. But don't do anything before getting approval from BATF.

Also, I think any gunsmith you hire to cut that barrel may need a Class 3 manufacturers license, since he is "manufacturing" a firearm under NFA definitions. If you do it yourself, you don't need the license, but if you get anyone to help, he needs to be a manufacturer, since he is doing it for money. Again, check with BATF for the full skivvy.

You can't cut a Thompson barrel off. Doesn't work.

The end of the Thompson barrel is expanded to fit either the front sight or a Cutts compensator. When the barrel is cut off, the new muzzle is too small for the press- on sight, and also too small to be threaded for the compensator.

Whether by intent or by accident, the 16" barrel's taper is such that when it's cut off, the muzzle is too small, and no sight or compensator can be fitted.

The only viable option is to re-barrel with a SMG 10" barrel.
Front sight? Bah. Use some of that beefy receiver and cut rails into it for a red dot.


That would be the shiznit, yo!
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