Need some help guys (GOP Candidates)

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McCain anyone?

Why does McCain have such a bad rep here? From what I remember reading it seemed like he had a good record on 2A issues, voting against the Clinton gun ban, for manufacturer lawsuit shield, etc.

McCan works hand in hand with Feingold, a big gun banner and cosponsored a sales ban bill with her. He later withdrew support.

This is very typical for him. He drew the ire of the NRA when he tried to reduce special interest lobbying.

He said he was for term limits and then stayed in office past them. You get the idea...
Why does McCain have such a bad rep here? From what I remember reading it seemed like he had a good record on 2A issues, voting against the Clinton gun ban, for manufacturer lawsuit shield, etc.

That's easy:

1) Totally bashed the Confederate flag and basically said it was a racist symbol. Now, I'm not exactly a Southern but I don't see a flag from America's history as racist.

2) Instead of worrying about real issues that are a threat to America, John McCain wants to investigate steroid use in baseball. Now why in the world does John McCain have any right to tell another human being what that person can inject into his body which improves his physique? America complains about the overweight in this country, and McCain bashes people who refuse to be overweight?

3) He pulls the "I fought in Vietnam so you should agree with me" line way too much. I respect the fact that he fought in Vietnam but that doesn't mean I should agree with him or think of him any better than every other politician out there.

There's plenty of other examples, maybe even a few that relate to firearms, but those two really killed any hope of McCain support that would ever come from me. McCain is nothing but a stereotypical politician; he's a RINO.

That and in the 2000 election he received a lot of left-leaning independent support. That threw up a warning signal in my head. I don't want a GOP president in office that appeals to a lot of Democrats and left-leaners. I don't think McCain would be any improvement over Bush. In fact he'd be worse I think. Not as bad as Rudy, though.
I keep waiting for someone to come up with a reason not to vote for Ron Paul

The two reasons I see the most are:

1. He does not look like a president.

2. He is not a very good speaker.

I suppose his actual ideas and history of upholding the Constitution has nothing to do with the issue.:(
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