Need some help

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Jul 9, 2010
I'm a college student and in one of my classes I have to make an assertion. I want to make mine on how gun rights are good. In particular that concealed carry benefits society and not the other way around. Most college students have their opinions and beliefs by the time they enter college, however they are still impressionable. I know I am. I know there are a few in my only class (including the teacher) who have made it clear they are not much for conceal carry. I know I can not make them think differently, but if I can show them the benefits I think I can at least get them thinking about it and possibly even realize it is good.

Basically an assertion, in my teachers mind, is something like "Since 1999 life expectancy has gone up". Essentially you have to have a date and then what you believe is happening. I want this gun oriented. They can also not be so broad as to make things to hard, but so specific that information on the subject is limited. It also has to be factual. things like "Since 1990 oreos became better then chocolate wafers".

I'm just looking for a little help as to what my assertion can be as I would love to make a great impression on my fellow students and even my teacher.

I appreciate and thank all helpful responses!
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Texas DPS has reports showing the number of convictions for various crimes in TX and the number of those that were by CHL holders. You can then make comparisons vs the general population with a little more research. This shows that CHL holders are potentially more law abiding than the rest of the general public. Not sure if that helps your paper or not, but maybe it will help jog some thoughts if nothing else.
It gives things to think about, however, I am suppose to make a claim and then back it up with statistics, etc. I have to include a date as well. I can't just say "People who carry guns are less likely to be [BLANK]". It would have be to like "since the ratification of conceal carry in 1986, less crimes have been commited" I then have to do research and the usual when doing a project, but I have to first come up with my assertion. I'm afraid I will pick one that is to broad and won't be able to really do much with in the limited space and time I have or it will be to specific and won't be able to make a report of it.

I do appreciate the quick response though.

I am not sure if either of though statements I made are true, just giving an idea of what an assertion is, at least in my professors mind.
Get into the crime rate numbers of states before and after the passing of the right to carry laws. Perhaps 5 years pre and post legislation .

The fight to pass these laws in every state so far has been a battle against those who predicted blood running in the streets. In many if not all the states the violent crime rate did not only not increase, but showed a decrease in crime.
Look up crime rate in Kennessaw Ga. after they passed the "every man with gun" law.

Great example of what just passing a ARMED citizen law can do. has a large variety of factually and statistically based essays on this and related topics, you'd do well to browse over there.
It may or may not shed some light on your point, but the book "Freakonomics" has some amazing data on crime statistics. You can probably read the entire book in a weekend and still get everything. The info contained is surprising.

Hope you score an A!

Look the stats up from the FBI, thats right the Fed has done the numbers for you. Statistically the gun owning community has less crime. Take for instance the town in SE Kansas that states all residence must own a firearm. They have next to no crime. Its easy to prove more lawfully owned weapons = less crime. The hard part about college is battling the emotional side, people who had friends or relatives hurt because someone used a gun durring a felony.
Another good site is They cite every fact that they publish.

The recommendation for the book More Guns Less Crime is spot on. It will take a while to read but it is full of great information.

The town in Kansas was Geuda Springs. The fine for not owning a firearm was $10. It was never enforced. I seem to recall that they have since repealed that law.

Bear in mind that the odds are good that your professor will be a bit anti-gun(I saw a statistic on that somewhere). You may want to be prepared for a negative reaction regardless of how well you present your case. I'm not saying this to discourage you - I admire what you're doing - I just want to help you to be prepared.
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