Need some info to use for argument

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If someone snaps with a car, knife, pencil, or any weapon, he'll want you right beside him. ARMED.
Watch the car argument or you might be getting licensed for a rifle.
Watch the car argument or you might be getting licensed for a rifle.

Unfortunately, we are basically licensed to "bear arms" with concealed carry permits.

And as my Dad always said when I was a kid "driving is NOT a right!". It took me a lot of years to figure out why he was so adamant about the difference between a priviledge and a right.
Wait Just a Doggone Minute Jethro

Whooah...What about all those people driving around in Vehicles that are 4000 to 6000 pounds. Geez ... what if one of them decides to suddenly get DRUNK and hits somebody. Oh my gosh, we gotta forget about banning those dangerous g..g...g...g..g...g...g..g..GUNS and get busy banning all those millions of AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES - to prevent one driver from just "snapping".
Thinking that people will suddenly "snap" is a perfect example of projection. What he is really afraid of is that if he had a gun he would "snap" or not be able to control his temper.

This is just like the brady bunch saying people would get in gun fights over parking spaces if us commoners could carry guns.

Ask him to find one example of a "normal" (previously well-adjusted) person suddenly snapping.
This is just like the brady bunch saying people would get in gun fights over parking spaces if us commoners could carry guns.

Good point. How many westerns have you seen depicting a gun fight because one rider beat another to a particular spot at the hitching post?

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