New Ads Target Dean Over Documents, Guns

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Aug 13, 2003
United States of America
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A presidential rival and two independent groups launched ads within 48 hours assailing Howard Dean, prompting the Democratic front-runner to respond Friday in what has become typical fashion: get mobilized, get money.

Dean - already running a slew of commercials in Iowa and New Hampshire - is returning to the airwaves in four states with primaries Feb. 3 while using the spots critical of him to rally supporters to donate money so he can counter the attacks.

The stepped-up criticism of Dean is meant to undercut his position in Iowa, where he is in a tight race with Dick Gephardt, and in New Hampshire, where he has a commanding lead in recent polls. But it also could embolden Dean's grass-roots supporters and enhance his stature as the leading Democrat.

"So far, the attacks have solidified his base. His supporters rally around him and give him money," said Doug Schoen, a Democratic consultant and President Clinton's former pollster. "The attacks, in a certain sense, have backfired to create a situation of victimization."

Dean's campaign said Friday it raised nearly $200,000 to run a response ad less than 24 hours after Club for Growth, a group that works to elect fiscal conservatives, began running a commercial in Iowa and New Hampshire faulting Dean for seeking a repeal of President Bush's tax cuts. Upping the ante, campaign manager Joe Trippi said it's up to Dean's supporters whether the campaign would air counter ads to the other critical spots.

The appeal comes with just over three weeks until the end of the quarter when the presidential candidates show their fund-raising prowess.

Last month, Dean's campaign challenged supporters to raise $360,000 to air an ad countering a Republican National Committee's spot accusing Democrats of retreating from the war on terror. The campaign raised more than $600,000 for the ad.

And this summer, it turned a rough showing by Dean on NBC's "Meet the Press" - and a blistering review of his performance - into a fund-raising opportunity. The campaign says Dean raised $93,000 in campaign contributions over the Internet that day, or about $90,000 more than usual on a Sunday.

"The more we're attacked, the more our support grows. The response of our grass-roots support intensifies and we then have the resources to compete," Trippi said in a conference call with reporters.

The campaign plans to spend "several million dollars" to return to the TV and radio airwaves beginning Monday in South Carolina and New Mexico, where voters can start requesting ballots Dec. 15. Within the next two weeks the campaign will do the same in Oklahoma and Arizona - four states among the seven holding contests Feb. 3. The former Vermont governor hasn't been on the air in any of the four states since September.

Dean also will boost paid staff members starting Monday in the four states and run commercials soon in the other three states - Missouri, North Dakota and Delaware - as he continues heavy ad buys in Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold their contests in January.

Dean plans to air a 30-minute TV program, at a cost of about $2,000, on Sunday in Madison, Wis., to encourage supporters to donate time and money. Wisconsin's primary is Feb. 17.

In a 30-second commercial that will begin running this weekend in New Hampshire, rival Joe Lieberman admonishes Dean for sealing some of his correspondence and other records from his 11 years as governor, and tells the public, "We, Democrats are better than that." The Dean campaign said this week it was exploring options to make some of the former governor's papers public.

Lieberman, who trails Dean and others in New Hampshire, is one of several candidates hoping a strong showing there will spark his lackluster campaign heading into the first week of February, when 10 states hold contests.

In Iowa on Friday, an organization called Americans for Jobs, Healthcare and Progressive Values began broadcasting an ad saying that Dean and President Bush received the National Rifle Association's highest marks for their stances on gun ownership.

"If you thought Howard Dean had a progressive record, check the facts and, please, think again," the ad says.

Tim Raftis, the group's president and former campaign manager for Iowa Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin's unsuccessful presidential bid in 1992, said the organization is not affiliated with any of the Democrats seeking the nomination.

The group is spending about $230,000 to run the ad for a week, a fairly moderate buy in Iowa. Harkin has not endorsed in the Democratic primary.

Copyright 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved.
What this kind of nonsense does for me is reinforce the fact that :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: politics is all about the $$$ no matter what side of the idealogical fence you stand on.

We REALLY need term limits on our Congressmen. Kick out the lifers like Teddy Kennedy, and someone who knows they only have 6 years max or whatever might actually have incentive to change things.

I seem to recall that frontiersman Davy Crockett served a term in Congress. Can you imagine someone like Davy Crockett being elected these days?
In Iowa on Friday, an organization called Americans for Jobs, Healthcare and Progressive Values began broadcasting an ad saying that Dean and President Bush received the National Rifle Association's highest marks for their stances on gun ownership.

OMG!! A Democrat who has not come out in favor of disarming the peasantry! He must be pilloried!

The left astounds me. (And yeah, I know he's in favor of the AWB, I was just trying to make a point).
Given Dean's recent statements on the AWB, I sincerely hope the NRA revises that rating.

The rating I believe only stems from Dean's time as governor of Vermont. It probably wasn't updated during any time that he did not hold a public office. He has made statements to the effect that gun control is state business, not federal (an oddly Rehnquist-esque position, looked at from a certain angle). Laws such as those enacted by NJ, NY, and CA are perfectly OK with Mr. Dean, since those laws "work for them."

Howard Dean is far from a friend of gun rights. Now that he has cast his hat into the national arena, hopefully the NRA will update their rating.
Both [Dean and Bush] support renewal of the AWB.

Bush has said he would sign a renewal of the AWB if it reaches his desk. The question is, is he saying that because he believes it is a good law, or for political reasons? If the latter, is he betting on DeLay and Co in the House to keep such a law from ever being passed?

Any Texans out there who can comment on Bush's 2A record as governor?

Yes, I know what Bush has said regarding the AWB, and the possible justification for his comments as a political maneuver. I have no doubt it was a political move, and he does not think it will never make it to him.

He is playing chicken with the Bill of Rights. This is not good.

If it wouldn't cut my nose off to spite my face, I almost wish Congress would pass a renewal bill and send it to Bush, just to make him put up or shut up. Sad truth is though, he would sign it if it came to him, I think.

By the way, I think he was very pro 2nd Amendment while governor of Texas, but Texas is an easy state to be pro-gun in. He signed the Texas ccw legislation, if I recall correctly. He is playing to a different crowd now, though, so his song is a little different.

Dean by the way was governor of Vermont, which does not require a license to carry concealed weapons. He has basically said every state should decide what gun laws it wants.

I am not saying Dean is better, just that there is no real difference.
Bush signed CCW into law in Texas....

After defeating Ann Richards, who had vetoed it.:)

Howard arrived and departed Governor of Vermont without much chance of damaging their carry laws.:eek:

Dean is not a friend of gun owners, and his party hates us with passion.

Bush is the best choice of what's on offer this election cycle for gun owners.

I wish there was a better choice too:( .

But Howie Dean would sell us out in a heartbeat, even faster than "Dubya":
I am not saying Dean is better, just that there is no real difference.

Why you would bother making that point is beyond me. Dean is not good for the Bill of Rights. Bush is not good for the Bill of Rights. However, Dean is bad for the Bill of Rights independently of Bush. I wish people would stop bringing up Bush whenever anyone brings up Dean; it's almost as reliable as an echo, and frankly the same old arguments are getting tiresome.
That's a good point, Geech.....

"Dean is not good for the Bill of Rights. Bush is not good for the Bill of Rights. However, Dean is bad for the Bill of Rights independently of Bush."

You said what I was stumbling around to say much better:D .
Geech, I am not sure I see what your criticism is.

The reason I made my point was to indicate there is no real difference between the two parties, just an illusion of difference.

Why would I make that point? Because most people think we still have a two party system. We really hve a one party system using two names.
Geech, I am not sure I see what your criticism is.

I thought it was quite clear; I sure can't make it any clearer. If you can't understand now, you never will.
w4rma, I wish you would stop waving Dean's banner here. This isnt a "get the politician of your choice elected" forum. This is a forum to discuss legal and political topics, and in my eyes this topic doesnt meet that criteria. Posting about how your favorite presidential candidate has been slighted by the media or his fellow Democrats wont make us shed any tears.

If you want to post topics about legal and political topics, please do so. But "banner waving" and "boo-hoo" stories about trivial subjects wont make muster. I for one am very tired of it. Its not productive, and instead starts some flaming.
"Bush has said he would sign a renewal of the AWB if it reaches his desk."

Doesn't mean a whole lot. Based on his behavior to date, he'd sign the New York phone book if it reached his desk. Three years, and zero vetos. Even the few bills he said he'd veto got signed.

While he's in office, Congress is the whole game.
How is Dean different from Bush on the gun issue?

Bush has stated he will sign legislation protecting gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits. Dean has stated he opposes such legislation (and in fact the Vermont equivalent of the bill has died in session every year since it was introduced).

In 1992, Dean (anybody remember Clinton's old pro-NRA questionaire as Governor of Arkansas?) indicated that he thought that a federal law banning "assault weapons" was nonsense on an NRA questionaire. As of 2004, he is officially "reeducated" on that issue.

This is a pretty big indicator for me. It tells me that the Democratic party is still willing to crack the whip to keep its candidates in line and anti-gun in message.

Add into this that noted anti-gun billionaires like George Soros and Andrew McKelvey (both of whom have donated millions to anti-gun foundations) are also donating millions to the Democrats this election cycle and I'd be really, really surprised if the Dems suddenly decide to alienate their big money donors just for some prole votes. I'm sure they still think they can just repackage the same stuff that didn't sell last time in a shiny new wrapper and THIS time it will sell.
Anyone who believes differently......

regardless of which candidate/puppet's mouth is moving, has not been observing the Democrat party lately!:eek:

" It tells me that the Democratic party is still willing to crack the whip to keep its candidates in line and anti-gun in message."

Howard Dean is a trojan horse at best :scrutiny:
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