New Assult Weapons Ban

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Oct 16, 2004
Deptford, NJ
How long do you think we have before they put in effect a new ban? I still have some stuff to buy and was wondering how long I had to to do it.
We currently have a house of reps that just voted to eliminate DC gun laws. I doubt that bunch is going to pass an assault weapons ban anytime soon. In fact, I doubt it will come up again for a very long time.
Hopefully it won't be for a very long time but if something does come up in january how long till it would effect us? It usually takes some time after they vote something in right? So we'd have till maybe spring if they did?
We currently have a house of reps that just voted to eliminate DC gun laws. I doubt that bunch is going to pass an assault weapons ban anytime soon. In fact, I doubt it will come up again for a very long time

Yeah, but we may not have the same house of reps next year. Lose a few seats to the Dems, a 50-50 senate with John Edwards the deciding vote, and President Kerry to sign it, and we could have a new and "improved" AWB before you can blink.
and we could have a new and "improved" AWB before you can blink.

I don't believe in being pessimestic about this whole thing. We _should_ be able to keep winning this one long enough for the public to realize that nothing DID change. The streets didn't "fill up with AK-47's." That's what the anti-gun people fear the most: the public realizing that their proposed laws don't actually do anything to affect crime.

All that said, it will be a tougher road if we lose control of the Senate and that is much closer now than I thought possible. So if you are wanting to hedge your bets, you _should_ be 100% OK until the new President would take office. That would be January 21, 2005. And that assumes the House and the Senate had been so concerned about this that they already passed identical bills and it is ready to be signed. (The new House and Senate meets before the new President takes office.) So absolute worst case, you've still got three months. More likely worst case, end of March. Optimistic case, never! Let's work for never!

You can bet that Feintwit and her ilk are working on a new AWB bill for the next session and it will probably have many more specific guns on a new list. She tried to get one thru the Senate by bypassing the rules and she got shot down (so to speak :D ).

The Antis will try everything they can to get some soft of bill introduced. What would be real funny is if Kerry got elected but the Republicans got bigger majorities in both the House and Senate and could control much of anything they wanted.
Any bill in the House concerning some form of ban would most likely go to the Judiciary Committee. The key, then, is who is chairman of that committee, and his views on gun control. Assuming for the moment that he's on our side, the next issue is how secure is his re-election.

If sKerry wins a new ban will be in place by the end of 2005, latest. If Bush wins AND we keep the CONgress there won't be one till Hillary takes office.
I would put the probability of passage of a new, stronger, and permenant AWB at 75% the first time Bush needs to get a SCOTUS nominee approved, or even higher after the next big mass-casulty terrorist attack.

The time to buy is right now.
Hey SamHane welcome from a fellow south jerseyan. I'd say get at least one rifle soon if you can afford it. Never can be too careful.
I have no doubt the leftist extremists are already working on another so-called "assault weapons" ban. I'm equally sure the Republicans would sell us out in half a heart beat if the leftist extremists were to make it worth their while.
The 1994 AWB was very difficult to get passed in the first place ... so difficult that they had to put the sunset clause in just to get the moderates to sign it.

Now we have an even more pro-gun congress/senate then we did in '94, plus one big reason we don't have President Gore is because of his stance on gun control ... gun control is NOT the big winner for the left that it used to be (even though they tried to jump start the gun control movement around the sunset of the AWB ... failed miserably though).

There will be no new AWB in the foreseeable future ... as long as the GOP controls either the house or the senate a new AWB won't even make it to the floor, let alone pass and get to the presidents desk.

The gun control movement is already shifting their strategies toward the .50BMG ban, destroying the firearms industry with law suits and banning/taxing certain types of ammo.

So relax ... smile ... have a celebratory drink we WON this one.

Samhane and Kevin,
The only thing we gained by the sunset is the ability to buy new 15 round mags. Preban configurations and AKs are still outlawed by our state ban. Sure, you can own a post ban Norinco Mak 90 Sporter if you can find one with thumbhole stock, and no evil features, but all other AKs, all the "new" ARs, and those nice, shiny new 20, 30 and 40 round mags are still off limits. In fact, the sunset will actually give those of us in Jersey less choices, as manufacturers go back to preban configurations. A small price to pay though, for allowing restored freedoms to our out of state brothers.
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