New Carry gear from Brommeland.

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Dec 31, 2002
Went to check the mail the other day and had a package from Gary and Remy. Inside was a Wilderness Tactical Instructor's belt (1.5" 5 stitch in wilderness coyote color) and a new mag pouch design Gary told me about some time ago - I'd honestly forgotten about it.

Being a diehard leather fanatic I was pleasantly surprised with the Instructor's belt, it's stiff enough to support my steel Mil-Spec without sagging or rolling but not so much so that it's uncomfortable to wear - I can't imagine needing the CSM insert with anything less than full LEO duty gear. It's also adjustable from "barely holding up my pants" to "oh dear Lord, I CAN'T BREATHE! "

The new pouch rides roughly 1.75" or so below the bottom edge of the belt (still well concealed under my normal cover shirt) and uses a riveted, fold over loop attachment. This one leaves plenty of real estate for a separate light pouch, Leatherman tool or whatever else I decide to carry for the day - I'll definitely be ordering one for the Glock as well (hopefully it'll be listed on the website soon).

As is typical with all the gear I've gotten from Gary and Remy, the fit, finish and attention to detail is simply outstanding. This includes the Instructor's belt as well, it's top notch all the way. Anyway, a big thanks goes to Gary and Remy for the new gear - and now ... the pics:








Nice pics ... but tell me, how do you like that belt? I've been thinking about getting one like that but I'm worried that my holsters won't fit on it ... all my holsters n gear are made for 1 3/4 x .25 leather gun belt. Do you like that belt better than leather?
Nice pics ... but tell me, how do you like that belt? I've been thinking about getting one like that but I'm worried that my holsters won't fit on it ... all my holsters n gear are made for 1 3/4 x .25 leather gun belt. Do you like that belt better than leather?

The belt's a nice alternative to custom leather is some respects: At $40 it's cost efficient way to get a solid gun belt in less time than a special order, hand made leather one. It's also nice to have something for "down and dirty" work that'll spare my leather gear from getting soaking wet and/or grimey - stuff like fishing in hard rain, crawling around under the car, etc. and there's plenty of adjustability to allow for heavy layers of clothing that I don't normally wear (hunting or fishing in long johns and such). Will it replace my leather belt for everday wear? Probably not, I'm too much of a traditional leather guy but it's a handy addition to what I already have. It'd make a great interim belt for someone who needs a sturdy gun belt quickly while waiting on a custom order.

As far as the fit goes, my leather is pretty snug fitting when it slides over the velcro areas but in it's normal carry position it fits about like my leather belts - I can adjust the carry position easily but it doesn't slip around on it's own once the belt's snugged down in position. If your concern is that your holsters and gear are built for 1 3/4" belts, the original Instructor's belt were that width and they're still available. Gary's said he can special order anything he doesn't currently have on hand: Frequent flyers, Instructor's ring belts, etc.. Shoot him an email at [email protected] and he'll get you set up with whatever you need.
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