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@MachIVshooter your the Can guru around these parts in my mind what do you think of this new one obviously you don’t have one but you know your way around these things is this the real deal or a gimmick?
@MachIVshooter your the Can guru around these parts in my mind what do you think of this new one obviously you don’t have one but you know your way around these things is this the real deal or a gimmick?

Trust all things TBAC.

Zak, Ray and the rest of the team up there don't screw around, they don't make gimmicks or settle for mediocrity. All of their stuff performs.
I have a bunch of TBAC cans. Everything from a could rimfire cans to a full auto 223 to their 338 Can.

I have a Fly9 on order.

I cant say enough good about them and their stuff.
Hi guys,

We learned a lot about how handguns suppress in the Fly9 development. Some of it was .. surprising. One take-away is that all the quiet 9mm cans meter about the same for peak due to the port pop, like, it dominates the muzzle report. So we made the Fly9 just about as quiet as anything else on the market but a lot smaller and lighter. Also that if you want a handgun to be actually quiet, shoot HUSH or STELTH "extra subsonic" ammo.

Here's the data table if you like to nerd out
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