New gun-show on History-channel made me pucker & faint

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Jun 17, 2007
new show on history channel tonight on refurbing tanks etc which were ragged out in Iraq

followed by a section about a machine the folks call "CAPTAIN CRUNCH" which giant boxes of M16s, M60s, etc, with what looked like not really bad wear......were tossed into the machine with chewed them up and spit them out in little bitty bits...:uhoh: :barf: :scrutiny:

one giant box after another of M16s, tossed into the cruncher machine..:banghead:

i think i left a wet spot on my bed also in addition to fainting. :scrutiny: :uhoh:
in which giant boxes of M16s, M60s, etc, with what looked like not really bad wear......were tossed into the machine with chewed them up and spit them out in little bitty bits..

Your firearms control in action. :mad:
Cap'n Crunch used to regularly snack on M-1 Garands as well. The old DCM program only allowed the purchase of one Garand a lifetime and the "excess" Garands were being destroyed. The NRA put a stop to it for awhile and then the formation of the "new" CMP program that required that the army turn over all surplus Garands to the CMP effectively saved the rifles from the cruncher.

Alot of M-14's were crunched as well. The majority of the ones that weren't were sent to Estonia, Lithuiana, etc, as military assistance. That's why there are so few M-14's left in the inventory today.
I saw a pic on the net of giant steel containers, full, just full of brand new russian tokarevs!!!! it was amazing, must have been surplus or something. What I wouldn't do for a genuine brand new tokarev ;)
They took the bins and threw it into a giant mulcher for metal, completley destroying the weapons...

They showed a pic of the 'mulch' and you could see frames, slides, barrels, etc all of them, completley destroyed. Not one item in that pile was intact lol.

It was sad
There was a video put out a couple of years ago (I think, but I'm not 100% sure) by the NRA showing the destruction of privately owned firearms during Australia's big gun grab.

It almost made me cry... well, truth to be told, it did.

Grampaw's old heirloom guns, "first guns" of firearms owners, fine hunting rifles, it didn't matter. They were all buzz-sawed and torched into scrap.

Heartwarming for the antis, I'm sure, but disgusting for me.

Can happen here. Anyone who doesn't think so... well, smell the coffee and the bacon sizzling.

And do everything in your power to make the rural folks get out there and work for pro-gun candidates, put up yard signs, and vote. Counter the Urban Tyranny which has characterized so many of our recent elections.

Too early to start thinking about the next election?

Well, smell the coffee.
It was pretty clear on the show (Boneyards) that those weapons that were sent to "Capt Crunch", were beyond repair, and were unsafe, so destruction was the only option. The program did show many weapons, including M-16s, M-2 50 cals, and even pistols that had been rebuilt and refurbished, and were being tested by live fire into water tubes/tanks so they could be sent back into inventory.

While I don't remember the show giving any statistics, it sure looked like more weapons were being rebuilt and returned into inventory that were being destroyed.
ancient, I hate to break it to you, but Cap'n Crunch in Alabamee was working overtime during the Clinton I years--M1s, carbines, .22s, 1903s, whatever they could they destroyed. They used to sell chewed up guns at Knob Creek as paperweights. If Clinton could not destroy it, he sent it overseas, e.g. all those M14s to the Baltic States, so the guns could never come back.

Clinton II will do the same but far, far worse.:uhoh:
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