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Apr 26, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio
I just got the address of the A Human site from an anti-gunner on another board. She was spouting off about how gun control is a good thing. "Right-wing propaganda" is how she phrased it.

So, of course, I had to check it out. :)

You might notice that I'm from Ohio. Our Republican-in-name-only governor, Bob Taft, says he'll only sign concealed carry reform if the state highway patrol gives its blessing. Meanwhile, Ohio's violent crime rate is rising.

Anyway, I love the AHR site. Keep up the great work. :)
Welcome, welcome.

Come in and set a spell. :)


If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair. -- Samuel Johnson
Hello Macintosh, and welcome! I used to work for a Cincinnati based company and traveled there regularly. Nice town, but I never could get too fired up about that "Skyline Chili thing", but that's just me. :D Hope you enjoy this place as much as we all do. geegee
Welcome to The High Road!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

They make chili outside of Texas???

The do indeed, but AFAIK, Cincy is the only place it's served on spaghetti! "

Chili on spaghetti? Isn't that against the law in Texas?

Chili on spaghetti? Isn't that against the law in Texas?
I believe in the old days, Judge Roy Bean (the only law, west of the Pecos) would try a man for doing that until he'd be found guilty....get a rope! :neener: geegee
Hey Mac!

I once sat at a Reds game in a stadium that is now crushed-up and replaced.
Was talking to a dad-gum yankee about how I thought Daryl Strawberry had "the big head" and would eventually be caught up in drugs or something. The yankee told me to bite my tounge, that Strawberry was infalable and that was about 12 years or so ago.
"Hey all!

Cincinnati-style chili on spaghetti is awesome. Top it with shredded cheddar cheese and extra onions and shake on some hot sauce. Dee-lish!

Here's the recipe."


Thanks for the recipe, Mac. Will have to try it.

See? In which other forum can you discuss firearms, baseball, and recipes all at the same time?

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