New Mexico Drops Arizona – KY Sup Ct Rules on Car Storage on Campus

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Gary Slider

Apr 6, 2006
West Virginia
Arizona DPS is reporting that New Mexico no longer honors the Arizona Permit/License to Carry. I had been hearing rumors this was going to happen. I have been hearing there are a couple more they may drop. Time will tell.

The KY Supreme Court ruled that a firearm locked in a vehicle in a University Parking lot was not a violation of the School rules/policies. Univ. of Kentucky fired an employee who had a firearm locked in his vehicle. The Court ruled that he had a right to keep it there and it was a violation for them to fire him under state law. There is a link to this Decision on the Kentucky page at and you can view it Here:
Maybe if NM wants to play that way, everybody ELSE should just drop THEM first. And for other states, why bother trying to negotiate THIS year with somebody who's quite likely to just drop you next year or the year after?

Why isn't New Mexico Gun Owner's Association or anybody else throwing a hissy fit, since they claim to be No Compromise in lobbying and DPS seems to be doing everything they can to not just undermine reciprocity but CCW itself as far as interpretation of the law allows them? EDIT: I see NMGOA is still in startup mode, but why aren't local NRA affiliates and their members speaking up?
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Having just moved to NM from TN a little over a year ago I can tell you this is why:

1. NM is still very much controlled by Democrats. I'm betting this is more politics-related than law-related.

2. Unlike TN, the NM gun community is very fragmented, there is no main forum for them to go to get info or connect to others. The closest thing I've found was a lightly used forum on Opencarry.

3. There is no strong state-level gun group promoting/advocating for better laws. There is the NMGOA, but they are so small, most people likely don't even know about them, and the fragmentation will likely keep it that way for some time.

4. Where is the NRA? MIA. Back in TN, if you wanted anything done, you went to the Tennessee Firearms Association, not the NRA. And that brings us back to #3.
Yeah, New Mexico dropped Florida just last month at the same time Florida began to allow certain individuals under the age of 21 to apply and be issued carry licenses (those individuals would be active-duty or honorably-discharged American military veterans.)
It also (coincidentally?) came as the unpopularity of Florida's deadly-force self-defense laws reached maximum heat in the media. Arizona also has some politically-unpopular carry laws that happened to come to light right about the time of the Tucson mass-shooting. Hmm..
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New Mexico just recently recognized Kansas, I wonder how long that is going to last! :rolleyes:
I think the New Mexicans need some new politicians in office.
Speaking of how unpopular "Stand your ground Laws" are with Democrats, it might not hurt to point out a lot of Democrats supported those laws because they wanted to get reelected. Arizona's Stand you ground law, happened to be signed by then Governor Napolitano.
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