New Orleans-The only true winner? The NRA

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I've been taking a completely different side of the NO gun issue. It seems to me that there's a metric pantload of news reports dealing with gangs and other undesireables that are roaming the city armed and generally causing havoc. Lots of guns I'm sure they already had, but several gun shops in the area were the victims of looting. I'm just waiting for the antis to start crying that if there hadn't been any gun shops in the area, the gangs wouldn't have been able to arm themselves. Obviously this is untrue, as I'm sure they already had weapons, but the fact is that gunshops WERE a source of weapons for criminals in this case.

Before anyone has a brain hemorrhage, I'm not saying it is the fault of the guns or the gun shop owners or anything like that. I just know how our enemies work, and there's no doubt in my mind that they will twist this tragedy to their advantage in just the way I described. It was unavoidable that people's belongings (including guns) were going to fall into the hands of bad people in this situation. It would have been impossible to get everyone out with all of their belongings. The only way to maintain any sort of order that I can see is:

1) Let the honest citizens (i.e. the ones who are guarding their homes) stay there. Problem here is that the place has become a real health hazard due to all the nasty stuff in the water and no way to clean it up. Or..

2) Get all of the good people out with as many of their belongings as they can carry, then...sterilize...the area in whatever way they think best. I don't give a rat's ass if the gangs wanna stay and loot, let them be cleaned up with the rest of the garbage.

Is either one of these likely to happen? Nope, hence all the drama down there. The police robbing people of their only means of protection is NOT going to help anything, certainly not when they use force. What they're probably considering is what's going to happen when they crowd a bunch of armed people together at the dome. Sure, people like us would be fine in that situation, but how can the cops tell good people from bad?
Louisiana has legislative authority.....

To regulate firearms ownership during emergencies.

It isn't necessarily right, but is something that many states have provision for in their legislation.

NRA is taking the most effective course of action here - monitoring and preparing its case if necessary.

Y'all who are down on the NRA ought to have another look at

Just try to imagine what sort of shape our fight to retain RKBA would be in WITHOUT this organization. :banghead:

Want to join GOA? Good, I did. Do it!

JPFO? Yep, good folks.

But neither of them could hold the anti-gun tide like the NRA can.

Stay in the NRA, vote for the changes you want, and don't expect any organization to carry the can for you. :rolleyes:
They do not have authority to regulate firearm ownership. In the state constitution is spells out what can and can't be done during an 'emergency'. They can regulate the purchase and transportation.

There's also a little clause at the end of their constitution called section 'G' that specifically states that any provisions in the state constitution cannot override the U.S. Bill of Rights provisions.

I'll dig up the links later this afternoon...but after what I read what they are doing is clearly illegal :fire:
I support the NRA (Long)

I don't always agree with them but I think rather than rip it down and rebuild something we should strive to fix things. I was gone for some time and have returned. Just ilike in NO it's really up to us.

One thing that you have to give them some credit for is the tool you can use to contact your political reps directly and expediently. I just contacted my state and local reps in about five minutes. I ask you to do the same. Here's my letter, feel free to use it, modify it or write your own. But don't ignore taking five minutes of THR time to make a difference.

Body text of the letter:

I have been appalled by the recent government action in relation to the New Orleans disaster on many levels. However the most frightening aspect of this behavior has been the forceful assault upon the residents by police forces. In one video a citizen was referred to a as a "hold-out" assaulted by multiple officers and had her firearm confiscated. She was physically dragged from her home.

Usurping our constitutional rights to our liberty and to bear arms smacks of a police state and should not be tolerated. The US Constitution is the law of the land and was never intended to be usurped. I would ask you for following three things.

I implore you to seek legislation to forbid any state or local governments to pass legislation such tyrannical "emergency power" legislation and protect our rights.

In the upcoming confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court I would ask you query nominees in reference to their "black letter" interpretation of our rights and eliminate judicial legislators who distort our system of checks and balances.

I would call for an investigation into the return of the lawful owned confiscated property of the citizens of the Gulf States.

The repeated stories of rape, robbery, and general public disorder confirm the founding fathers belief in the 2nd amendment and our basic duty to defend ourselves.

As individuals we may disagree with the wisdom of some decisions. However I feel the need to defend their right to such a decision.

As a side note it is frustrating that we deny these citizens the right to self-defense but US troops do not see an issue with semi-automatic long arms being carried in the streets of Baghdad by citizens.

Thank you in advance for your support on this matter.
I E'ed the NRA last week & got the same "We are monitoring..." canned BS as has been posted,& responded that I would be "monitoring" their ACTIONS (note emphasis);particularly when renewal time came around.
Yeah. Get the NRA to behave like an organization that represents nut cases. Force it to fly off the handle, make wild charges, behave irrationally, and start legal actions before it's sure of winning. Never compromise. Hold out for everything because doing so will guarantee that you get nothing. Irritate as many people as possible. You don't need help from other people.

And what has the NRA done anyway, except play the major role in turning this country around from being absolutely anti-gun and anti-concealed carry just a few years ago under the Clinton administration?

So prove that gun owners know how to turn victory into defeat. Alienate your friends. Push away your allies. Destroy the most effective national organization you have. Undercut its leaders. Lose big.
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