new reason for gun safe

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Apr 10, 2005
sweet home arizona
in light of the NOLA situation, it occured to me that i HAVE to buy a safe. i have been relying on a stack-on locker but if the shtf and THEY come for our guns, it'll bring a smile to my face to watch them try to manhandle a safe full of about ten guns and a grip of ammo down the stairs from a second story apartment. speaking of which, i'm gonna have to find out how much load the floor can handle. :D gonna have to get a house soon too but that's a different story.
Get an X0-7 (electric lock) too ....Then hit it with a sledge before they come in... That should cost them a couple hundred more bucks to open it..hahahahaha
Try a National Security in the basement, 1,200 lbs MT group 1 MP lock, door is 1" thick tool steel sides, top, and bottom are double layered 1/4" thick tool, it would take hours to get in with a plasma torch. No I don't worry about flooding m on high ground with a backup generator, and a gas pump that is capable of 180 GPM. :evil:
If you think you'll have a good laugh at watching the cops try to take your safe away.... :neener:

Just think about how much laughing your neighbors will be doing watching you try to get it inside. :banghead:
If you think you'll have a good laugh at watching the cops try to take your safe away....

Just think about how much laughing your neighbors will be doing watching you try to get it inside.
Actually it was quite easy, it's called a Bobcat, carried it right in and sat it down in the back end of the house. Really made the delivery guy mad, when he showed he wanted a $35. drop fee that to use his power tail gate to set it on the gound. I said just a minute I'll be right back, he thought I was going to get some money, went to the shop fired up the cat, his jaw dropped a foot when I reached in and scooped it up and waived as I drove away smiling. ;)
I'm thinking that with a 700 lb safe, one could smelt 400-500 lbs of lead wheelweights into easily stackable ingots which can stacked in the bottom of the safe to anchor it nicely :evil:
Just think about how much laughing your neighbors will be doing watching you try to get it inside.
Not even a week ago, I purchased a Liberty Colonial and moved it into my upstairs apartment. Three guys and a furniture dolley and we moved it from the back of my pickup and into my residence. It was only 620 lbs. so it wasn't that bad.


BTW, I heard no laughter from the neighbors.
right on, cracked.

as for getting it in, i'll just go down to circle k and pick up some day laborers. sure, they'll know the house has guns, but they'll also know what a bitch it was to carry that safe and how unlikely it is they'll get any of the guns.

seriously, i'd just go ahead and pay the delivery guys, then give them a generous tip, a couple ibuprofen and a beer. :D

Get an X0-7 (electric lock) too ....Then hit it with a sledge before they come in... That should cost them a couple hundred more bucks to open it..hahahahaha

I prefer to keep a couple of bags of blackpowder in my safe, right up front, against the door. Whoever torches the hinges off the door is in for a bit of a surprise.

The only drawback is that I'd better never forget the combination, or what I left inside.
instead of wheelweights being smelted, I use 300# of shot in 25# bags at the baottom of my treadlock safe. Safe weighs empty 200+ lbs., 300lbs #8 shot in bags, amd the weight of the guns. Had to use a piano dolly when I moved.
Also had a 20mm ammop can filled with wheelweights waiting to be melted. EWeighed over 1000#. Just my observation.
Maybe I'm overly paranoid, but I positioned my heavy safe (500 pounds maybe?) so that my kids could hide behind it should they need something semi-bulletproof to hide behind. Sure beats drywall I guess.

Supposed to block radiation pretty well too.
If you can find a bank being remodeled in your area, see if you can get one of their file cabniets, you'll only be able to fit pistols, and carbines because of lenth, but you can fit a lot, also the walls are lined with cement.

For those of us living elevated, does anybody have experience with the Zanotti Armor safes?

My ground-level floor is all garage, and will flood if we get over 8 feet of surge, and I'd rather have a safe upstairs. I just haven't seen a Zanotti safe, nor heard from those who own them on their impressions.
If they come for my guns I'll just shoot them. :cool:

I'm more concerened with keeping my guns out of the hands of people who have broken in while I'm not home and etc.
Electronic locks on gunsafes

I have often wondered if EMP from a nuclear blast would render an electronic gunsafe lock unusable. Does anyone know for sure?
Uhm, guys, I hate to rain on the uber-tacticool noodling going on here but has everyone forgotten about this stuff I like to call THERMITE?

Cops don't care if the guns are in working condition. Any cops that are going to confiscate I'm sure would like to add nice guns to their collection and it would be a shame if they had to trash yours, but it really is about assett denial. Even if they can't get into the safe with thermite they'll slag the guns and if we're really talking about gestapo tactics here they don't give a damn if they "accidentally" set your house on fire. What's that? You live in an apartment? Oh, too bad about your neighbors. Maybe they can take their losses out on you.

Why do Aussies water their gardens with WD-40? To keep the guns from rusting.
Why do Aussies water their gardens with WD-40? To keep the guns from rusting.

not bad. i started the thread mostly in jest but i do plan on getting a real safe. mostly for the more common type of crooks and fire but pvc isn't a bad idea as well.
"I have often wondered if EMP from a nuclear blast would render an electronic gunsafe lock unusable. Does anyone know for sure?"

Yeah, also, after being an electronic technician for 25+ yrs, I'm not sure I want to trust it to open every time. Does it work on batteries; how often do they need changing before you have your guns locked up permanently (now that's security! ;) ).
If it gets to the point where the cops use det cord to get my guns, I think it's time to find another place to live.
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