New to me Smith 29-3 Pics inside

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Nov 17, 2006
Hey there y'all. I just traded for a S&W 29-3. It is missing a rear sight and has been drilled for a scope.

Does anyone know how to tell which rear sight assembly I would need to order for this thing? The SN is AHY0XXX.

Any ideas what it's worth?

Thanks in advance. I plan on using it for deer this fall.

THR Smith 001.jpg
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THR Smith 003.jpg
Measure front sight heigth and call Brownells tech dept.
They'll advise which rear sight you need.
Brownells doesn't have those for sale. This guy has one for $100.

As far as the proper height for the rear sight blade, I think I'd go ahead and buy the sight assembly, then replace the blade.

All of that after, repeat, after, contacting Smith and Wesson to see what they have in stock. These old parts are getting hard to locate.

Edited to add: after looking at deacon's links, and looking at the OP's pictures, is it my imagination or is the front of the sight assembly curved? Cause the assembly in my link is squared, which makes it an earlier model, I guess.
As for value, I can't really tell what condition it is in. I mean I can see the photos, but I can't really tell for sure. I mean it could be 75%, could be 95%. Depending on the condition, I would say you could get $500-650 out of it, if you replaced that rear sight. Personally, I think might have to also put some S&W grips on it too. It would certainly look better with S&W wood grips on it. IMO.

However, I don't know how much permanent damage was done when they put that scope on either. Non-factory holes decrease value.
t fox,

I am surprised Brownells didn't have one...midway has two different heights. Btw, $110 is a rip-off.

If you get one of those factory rear sight assemblies, that I listed, you will not have to do anything to the front sight, nor should you. They are meant to screw on and be ready to roll. The height difference, IN THIS CASE, has nothing to do with anything. Personally, I would go with the .160" one if it were me.

Edit: Actually I looked, because I just couldn't believe that Brownells didn't carry that sight. Well, they DO carry one. However, I closed out of it and forgot to get the link. And it was hard to find, so I am not going to find it again. You have to look for it by going to the sights section, then you have to go through all of the sights. It doesn't show it if you search via "by firearm type." They do have them though. There you go, hope all of this helps.

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Thanks everyone for your comments. I just traded an frARnkengun for a Model 19-5, and this 29-3. These are the first two older Smiths I have ever owned, and wow, they are fantastic. The triggers are incredible, the actions are smooth, and the finish is very good. I am really impressed the the quality of these two revolvers. I love my polymer pistols, but there is seriously no comparison for quality, and accuracy. The polymer guns have a decided edge in capacity, but I think I am in love with older revolvers now. Dang it! I'm going to need a second job!
hey, do not order those sights that people have posted, I know for a FACT that brownells (out of stock when I looked), midway, and even Smith and Wesson themselves do not have the correct sight assembly you need. The one posted for is for the newer models, they wont fit the old one like ours; 29-5 and earlier. I know this because I was sniffing around for one a couple months ago. They no longer make them. I found a guy who was supposedly getting a "shipment" in, but every time I called it was "due in a few days" he said they would be $60 when they did come in but I gave up after a few weeks. I will see if I can track down his number again. the one on gunbroker is the right one, but for that price, I would hold out for a better deal. also be careful not to order one for a different gun, I ordered one for something else that had the square end and it didn't end up having the screw hole in the right place.
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Thanks Capt. I got my order from Midway today, and go. Thanks though, I appreciate it.
but I think I am in love with older revolvers now. Dang it! I'm going to need a second job!

Yes, these older Smith's can be additive. You start off buying model numbers, then it's by barrel length, then by finish. You can have dozens and still want more.
Call S&W and give them the SN. They will tell you which rear sight was stock, along with the price. I had the same situation with a 29-2.
Millett rear sight

Contact brownell's & look for the "millett adjustable sight for an n-frame smith & wesson"---have had one on my model 29-2 for almost 30 years & have been well satisfied with its performance & quality.
Thanks Captn Hank and Guru. I went down that road to no avail. Smith doesn't have them or a model number and neither does Brownells. I am currently searching on the Smith and Wesson forum under the suggestion of another great THR member. Thanks again guys, I will post pics and a range report when I get this thing put together.
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