New Video: In Search of the Second Amendment

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Jun 30, 2003

The TRUE story of the American right to arms is told by some of the greatest names in American constitutional law -- professors at Yale, UCLA, Fordham, George Washington University, George Mason University, and other institutions, as well as by lifelong scholars of the Second Amendment, such as Steve Halbrook, Dave Kopel, and Don Kates. If you've read the serious scholarship on the right to arms, you've heard these names. Now, you'll see them explain their discoveries!

It took thirty years to research. It took four years to produce. But in part of one evening, you, your family, and your friends can learn the full history, meaning, and modern importance of the right to arms -- the right that protects all other rights.

& another Quote:

While this film will educate any activist, it was also directed at winning over swing votes, and showing the importance of the right to arms to anyone but Sarah Brady. For that reason, the persons interviewed are primarily legal academics, and include some of the biggest names in American constitutional law. Further, the original historical writings are shown during the discussion, so that the viewers can see the materials themselves. Viewers don’t merely hear experts discussing how the Founding Fathers and their friends wrote about the Second Amendment – they can read the original articles themselves as they are being put in context.

In Search of the Second Amendment also reaches out to groups, such as minorities and women, whom the traditional message has largely neglected. It points out how attempts to confiscate arms from Black Americans led directly to the 14th Amendment (1868), and how those confiscations were intended to render them vulnerable to Klan oppression. It shows how our first feature-length film (“Birth of a Nation,” 1915) celebrated the Klan and the disarmament of Blacks, and how during the Civil Rights era, civil rights workers armed themselves to stave off terror, joined the NRA, and even used arms to break up a Klan rally. It discusses how self-defense is especially important to women, and studies indicating that women disproportionately use firearms in self-defense.
We’ve had enough educational efforts that preach to the choir – this one can be used to win over people who aren’t already on your page!

Guess which DVD i'm buying next....:D
It's Awesome

Already bought it and watched it. It's really good. It's very well put together and tells the whole truth. If you have an anti friend or family member get them to watch this DVD.

IMHO it should come with every NRA membership card.
Bought it, watched it, loaned it to fence sitter. Well worth the money and certainly a fascinating history lesson. Righly reccommended for all ages and political leanings.

Buy it, heck buy two. It's cheap at twice the price.
It was a bit humorous that they "credited" the amateurish camera work at the end.

Come on, this isn't a $100,000 documentary. This was produced by a dedicated guy, not a team of professionals with expert support. The intellectual content is far more important than the visual appeal. I think David did a great job.
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