New Zealand is next...

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Dec 26, 2002
Between Georgia and Antarctica
New Zealand has a very high per-capita ratio of firearms to people and the government is just waiting......

"ACT" is a political party.
Latte Set Making The Firearms Rules In Secret
Monday, 23 June 2003, 8:56 am Press Release: ACT New Zealand
Latte Set Making The Firearms Rules In Secret
ACT New Zealand Justice Spokesman Stephen Franks on Friday night accused Police Minister George Hawkins for waiting for a suitably newsworthy firearms crime to launch a new attempt to force firearms registration on the police and law-abiding gun owners.

"The Government will want to extract the maximum political benefit by announcing it as a response to some sad crime. The proposed gun registration scheme has no purpose other than eventual firearm confiscation. There is no other reason why a rational government would risk trashing a uniquely co-operative relationship between the Police and law-abiding firearms owners," Mr Franks said.

"The Labour Cabinet wants a high profile even to make it harder for the facts to be heard in the sympathy that follows a tragedy. Labour wants sporting shooters to be seen as hard and nasty when they challenge the Cabinet plan.

"This move will be excused as necessary, to allow the Government to sign up to the UN Protocol Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammunition. Most countries will ignore this agreement - including those which sign it.

"The protocol will demand criminalisation for the thousands who save costs by reloading their own ammunition, when they take out manufacturers licences.

"Labour is about to tell us that we must destroy the trust and
co-operation of hundreds of thousands of loyal and decent New
Zealanders, by putting in place all the steps necessary to allow the latte set to confiscate the firearms of those they despise as rural oafs.

"That has to be the ultimate aim. Fear of confiscation is not seeing
ghosts. The desire to end hunting is there. Think of the urban
hostility to hunting that has grown out of Britain's reverse snobbery. Ancient class enmity has meant that fox hunting has been banned, however incredibly unlikely that may have seemed only 15 years ago. In New Zealand, there are votes to be won by making shooting sports people squeal for the delight of the latte set. This is primitive class antagonism."
Please note that the N.Z. Police in 1983 asked that the old registration system be scrapped in favor of a lifetime owner's license.

The firearms crime rate in New Zealand is near the lowest in the O.E.C.D. nations.

Also note the reference to the U.N.:barf:

With due consideration for the British heritage of New Zealand, I believe the allegation of 'class warfare' would also hold true for the U.S. and Australia. Shooters are being marginalized by the urban elite who see us as dangerous atavists.:scrutiny:
Standing Wolf....

Yes, even the lowliest "working class" socialists have pretensions to urban elitist snobbery.

The perfect example comes to mind....a leftist slob, prideful of his 'working-class' roots, money-obsessed and living very well on Manhattan's Upper West Side.

I won't write the name, but it recently won an oscar:barf:
True, Mark.....

but his own 'image', if that what one could call it, seems to be wrapped up in being a self-styled champion of the 'oppressed'...

This seems a fine example of urban elitism...

"Listen, and I'll TELL you what you need.":uhoh:
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