Newseek article..."Gun Control? Don't hold your breath

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Cbsbyte, you were the one suggesting that we sell our guns immediately in the aftermath of the VT shooting because they were about to be confiscated and we might as well get some money for them, right? Forgive us then if we take "I am quite sure within ten years five states will have very strict gun laws similar to Great Britain or even complete bans" with a grain of salt.
Forgive us then if we take "I am quite sure within ten years five states will have very strict gun laws similar to Great Britain or even complete bans" with a grain of salt.

You might as well sell your guns with that attitude. I gave yo an NRA link that show the bills being introduced in many states. Take a look at Mass, NY, NJ, Ill, CA, MD and HI. Everyone, on THR calls those states lost causes. You can see a trend. If you can't see the trend, then I can't help you see the light. I am sorry, to see that many gun owners who live in "free states", which won't be free states for long with people like Igloodude with their head in the sand, seem to not care that the house of cards is falling. Is the domino effect. But too few see it coming.
Now many of the bills might never make it the floor for a vote but one day they will. It all a matter of time. The antis have plenty of time.

Time hasn't been working in their favor since the Internet freed us from the stranglehold of mass media on discussion of this issue. Seriously though, as someone who has been around this issue since 1989 or so and been very involved with it since 1999, I don't see the doom and gloom angle. Things have been continuously getting better. If you have any doubts, check out some of the forum discussions from the time of Columbine.
Time hasn't been working in their favor since the Internet freed us from the stranglehold of mass media on discussion of this issue.

The antis don't care when they ban firearms but all they care about is how. Right now in much of the country things are not going their way but one day it will. Every generation less people are interested in gun ownership and RKBA. The schools are preaching the anti message from day one. The antis have all the time in the world.

Things have been continuously getting better. If you have any doubts, check out some of the forum discussions from the time of Columbine.

Check out Massachusetts, ILL, CA, NY, HI, NJ, CT, RI and MD. In those states things are not getting better for gun owners but only worse.
The one thing we have to fear is that the silence from the Democratic Party regarding gun control is a silence intended to allow us to go back to sleep. That way, they can push other aspects of their social agendas and continue to gain power, including increased margins in the House and Senate, as well as the White House in 2008. Once they have solidified their power to a safe level, they will start to enact, slowly at first, more laws that will help them stay in power such as more campaign finance and political speech regulation, as well as a new fairness doctrine that will help to muzzle the right side of the radio spectrum. Then they will pull out the gun control laws and ram them through, however, this time there will be no sunset laws. These laws will be permanent unless and until a new congress over rides or repeals them with new laws. We all know how hard that can be, once precedent is set. That's not precedent from a judicial standpoint but from a legislative one.

They are like Al Quada in that they are very patient and will take their time to make sure they get it right. Don't fall asleep. That soft, gentle, music you hear is Winken Blinken and Nod, and that's exactly what the Democrats are doing with respect to keeping silent on gun control, for now.
cbsbyte said:
You might as well sell your guns with that attitude. I gave yo an NRA link that show the bills being introduced in many states. Take a look at Mass, NY, NJ, Ill, CA, MD and HI. Everyone, on THR calls those states lost causes. You can see a trend. If you can't see the trend, then I can't help you see the light. I am sorry, to see that many gun owners who live in "free states", which won't be free states for long with people like Igloodude with their head in the sand, seem to not care that the house of cards is falling. Is the domino effect. But too few see it coming.

You've badly mixed your metaphors, and anyway, it's not that I don't care that the house of cards is falling, it is that I don't see it as a house of cards in the first place.

Bills are being introduced, sure. Any member of a legislature can introduce a bill, and probably every one of our legislatures has at least one hardcore anti-gunner, and those folks tend to throw their pet gun-ban bills (modified to whatever element seems most vulnerable lately) into the hopper every single session. That doesn't necessarily mean that the bill has a snowball's chance in a microwave of actually going anywhere. Sure a few of them may grow legs, and at that point you've got my support in hammering away at them - though what exactly do you expect me to do about it, besides taking residents of your state (four so far, and probably a fifth next month) to NH ranges and showing them that guns not only aren't evil, but are actually useful and (horror of horror) fun, isn't exactly clear to me.

It is difficult to watch the spread of CCW, the expiration of the AWB, and the differing national reactions between Columbine ("First, we believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel." - Wayne LaPierre, Executive VP, National Rifle Association, April 1999) and VA Tech ("Part of the problem is, is these gun-free zones, they are not working either, because it`s so easy to walk out of that zone and pick up that 9mm."- Paul Helmke, President, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, April 2007) and conclude that the DC gun ban is spreading.
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