NH to Ma gun transfer? can I do a FA-10?

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Dec 9, 2006
So I just moved back to MA this year after about 10 years in NH. Stupid me sold my Glock 27 last year and my 9mm Kel tec, not knowing the Ma gun list was so limited . But the friend of mine I sold my Kel tec to said he would sell back to me cheap.I was wandering if I could do a private sale using a FA-10 form or if I just cant buy it back..Also could I carry this gun if still registered in his name,even if it's not on the Ma compliant list?? :banghead:
So I just moved back to MA this year after about 10 years in NH.

I just have to ask...WHY?!

It's likely that Deval Patrick will push through laws up to and including ammunition purchase limit, ban on private sales and gun confiscation if he can, and his plans to provide all sorts of state services to illegal aliens will make it their number one destination.

He has SPECIFICALLY said he'd end all private sales as a campaign promise, so sell it now, or you're screwed.

You just navigated right into the path of a tidal wave. Why?
There is no way around The List. If it is not on The List and has passed the "safety" tests, the pistol must have been manufactured before October 1998 and already registered on a FA-10. It would be very interesting to see what happened if you filled out a FA-10 with a banned pistol, but I'm sure you don't want to be the test case.

AFAIK, there is no law against borrowing a pistol. However, this is Massachusetts, so I wouldn't try it.

Have you tried Four Seasons in Woburn? You might be able to find another P11 there. They also have a better explanation of the AG's rules on their website:

Four Seasons
thanks for the answers

Hi thanks everyone for your input to my question, i'm out of luck..Like to back to NH now....
As I understand it, the 'list' applies only to what dealers can sell. It is NOT illegal to own something on the list.

EG: If you live in another state and have a gun that is on the Mass list, if you move to Mass, it is LEGAL to bring that gun with you and file an FA10 on it when you get here.

So if you own it in NH, and move to Mass., you can bring it to Mass. and you can sell it in Mass. as a Mass. resident.

You just can't buy it from a dealer in Mass. or from a dealer outside of Mass if you reside in Mass.

Sounds like you missed the boat by not getting it back BEFORE you left NH.

I am not a lawyer but this subject keeps coming up on a local NE website.

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