NH watch out - UBC

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Jun 18, 2010
New Hampshire bill HB 1589 - 7 years in jail for selling a gun to your neighbor. ("universal background checks")

Spread the word and start contacting your representatives PRONTO to oppose HB 1589.


The gun ban crowd is pushing HB 1589, a bill that will put you in prison for up to 7 years for selling a gun to a friend or neighbor. That’s right, under the provision of HB 1589 you can’t even dispose of your private personal property without going to a licensed firearms dealer.
From what I've seen on the interwebs they already know about it and are not happy. It looks like an enclave of immigrants to the state are what is causing the problem. Like all the French that moved to Switzerland and mucked it up from what I've been told.
Good luck to our fellow New Hampshire gun owners in defeating this very draconian piece of legislation.
Ryanxia my original post was my opinion on the bill. Any stand regarding it pro or con should be heard.
This is a free forum in which one can express his or her opinion on the subject at hand. Many may not agree-but I always strive to not attack personally any member regardless if their opinion is different from mine.
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Anti gun bills don't usually amount to much up here. They usually don't make it very far and we let those who draft these bills know how we feel about them.

It's one of the benefits of a Democrat led House and a Republican lead Senate. We basically just want things to stay the same up here.

They come up with these stupid laws that do nothing in the House and they get tabled by the Republicans in the Senate.
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Actually, no. Please read the sub-forum rules. "Activism" is not a place to debate the pros and cons of a course of action, but to alert others of a need, propose a course of action, and report on the effort and results. So, please don't muddle this Activism thread with your counter ideas on gun control. This isn't the place.
Actually, no. Please read the sub-forum rules. "Activism" is not a place to debate the pros and cons of a course of action, but to alert others of a need, propose a course of action, and report on the effort and results. So, please don't muddle this Activism thread with your counter ideas on gun control. This isn't the place.
Thanks for clarifying Sam.
I saw this on the Gun Owners Of America Alerts on FB

"Bloomberg Leads NH House Committee Around on a Leash"


"On Tuesday, February 4, the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee voted, along party lines, to approve universal gun registration legislation that former NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg had demanded from them.

The legislation would effectively outlaw private firearms transfers in New Hampshire (more on the specifics later). And, because the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives has recently taken to Xeroxing dealer 4473's during its annual inspections of gun dealers, this effectively means that New Hampshire gun owners would be dumped into a national gun registry.

The bill, H.B. 1589, now goes to the House floor, where it will be voted on during the middle of next week.

There is only one reason why H.B. 1589 is on the NH House agenda: Billionaire Bloomberg demanded it."

This doesn't sound good at all and we need to fight this all the way.

Thanks for the update Midwest. I've got a friend who let a bunch of NH people know on a few gun groups on Facebook too.

Hopefully they will stop this dead. We can't let registration happen or let the government be the ones who determine who gets their Rights and who doesn't (which they already do to an extent).
Like I said, these bills usually don't go very far. We don't have gun problems like the other New England states. Actually, NH has a very low crime rate in general.

Even the Dems know that pushing gun issues is a slippery slope up here. Gun culture is strong up here. It's funny, New Hampshire is the second least restrictive state in New England and we have very little crime. Imagine that!!
Earlier I was trying to find updates to this and ran across a blatant anti-gun op-ed hit piece in favor of the UBC bill. http://www.seacoastonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20140212/OPINION/402120363/-1/NEWSMAP

"Urge your legislator to back gun bill" It sounds like Bloomberg wrote the article himself!
"It is time for cooler heads to prevail. Please contact your state representatives and let them know you want them to vote in favor of HB 1589."

To me it looks like it was written by an anti-gun organization rather than someones opinion. Looks like a lot of effort (and money) went into this hit piece.
CCS3 - the Bill was shot down with a vote of 242-118. That's 32% that voted FOR it. That's too close to comfort for me. Hopefully those in NH took record of who voted for it and will get their butts out of office.

We can't forget those who vote for this stuff, even if they're not up for reelection for another couple years.
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