NICS check ID question

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Mar 5, 2009
I want to buy a rifle today, but my State issued ID card expired in august, will i need to go get a new one first or will the FFL take the expired one?
Darn, I was suspecting that was the case but just wanted to make sure, I hope they are even open today.
Yep you need a new VALID id card. I tried to buy my last handgun with my ID card and during the date of purchase it was valid, but during the 10-day wait ( I hate CA) my license had expired and earned me a denial. Had to go to DMV, get a renewed license, wait for the hard copy in the mail, then go do the NICS check again. Took over a month from start to finish.
I think that any current photo ID with physical address (not PO box) and DOB will work for firearms ID in most states not needing a special permit. Glad I live in the free state of Maine.:D
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