NJ: Bill--Seize homes that contain 'illegal' guns

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"We currently allow this to take place when illegal drugs are found. This is to keep a landlord or someone driving the car from turning a blind eye to the drugs people in an apartment or passenger in the car is doing," he said. "I think if a landlord knows there is an illegal gun in the house, he or she should do something about it. And this may encourage someone driving a car to keep a person from carrying a gun."

The conservative republican spin on that :p I reserve no label for myself, so I can bash both sides as I like.

Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" He said, "I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?"
- Genesis 4;9

When you think about it though, people should be fully responsible for what they have in their homes and cars. I mean, we've all smoked a little weed every now and then, and I'm one to say that it really isn't a bad drug, but I think anything higher than weed they wouldn't have a problem doing this.

A. You don't have to worry about yourself if you're a law abiding citizen. (If you're not, you have no point in being on these forums and posting because you'd be a hypocrite)

B. Then again, some people have children that do make mistakes in their lives . Parents now a days know so little about their kids and what they do, it would be unfair to seize such an asset. Unfair, but, who knows maybe this would force adults to root out the problems of most drug use at its source, in the homes.

And that's the opinion of an 18 year old at 6 AM :)
A. You don't have to worry about yourself if you're a law abiding citizen.
What if you're a law abiding landlord who is prohibited by law (not to mention practical considerations) from keeping up with the private lives of tenants?

Asset forfeiture laws essentially tell you that you should have known things you are prohibited from learning. It's nonsense, like "guilty" property (what did it do?) or property with criminal intent (does that gun look angry?)
A. You don't have to worry about yourself if you're a law abiding citizen. (If you're not, you have no point in being on these forums and posting because you'd be a hypocrite)


So the 80% of those who lose their property and savings to Asset Forfeiture and are never charged with a crime? They are all actually guilty but...? Jeez.
Well, if applied like in the NJ law...

....rooted in the drug war law, remember how that could really work.

The legislation, sponsored by Assemblyman Louis Manzo, D-Jersey City, authorizes the forfeiture of "motor vehicle, building or premise" if a firearm is found in it that is not possessed legally per state law – "even if the firearm was not possessed by the owner of the motor vehicle, building or premise," states a summary of the bill, A3998.

You own a strip mall. A tenant hires an illegal immigrant. Therefore, your property was used to carry out a crime (employing an illegal) and so it is forfeited to the government, since it is guilty. You say you aren't guilty, you just rented some dude some space? Big deal. The government didn't say YOU were guilty. They said your PROPERTY was guilty, and it was, now wasn't it?

Oh, did I mention that the agency that did that often gets to keep what it loo...er...seizes?
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When you think about it though, people should be fully responsible for what they have in their homes and cars.

OK, you're at the club and pick up a couple girls. "Excuse me miss, I have to do a full-cavity search for illegal guns and drugs before I drive you home." :evil:

OK, just for grins, you're hosting a party at your house and Great-Uncle Bill, who's pushing the century mark, keels over. You call the paramedics, they find a concealed weapon on him while administering CPR (in a non-CCW state), they call the cops; well, you should have known he had a CCW. Doesn't matter, the house is guilty .

You take your car in for service; the mechanic drops his stash while doing a road test; you're in such a hurry you don't notice; your car dies AGAIN in heavy traffic; a cop pulls over to assist and he does notice the baggie... you should have known , right? Doesn't matter, the car is guilty .

In both cases, YOU are doing no wrong or breaking any laws. YOU "have nothing to fear because you're a law-abiding citizen" and YOU aren't going to be convicted (assume the mechanic calls the police to report his missing stash or something similarly stupid so I don't waste time on arrest/defense). Your house or car would still be subject to forfeiture...

...and the scenarios aren't too far-fetched (for once). :p
Actually, some of the real scenarios which have happened are worse than your imagined ones.

Want to see someone support this inherently abusive application of civil law standards to criminal punishment? Go here. Warning, it goes on and on and on and on.....like that stupid bunny.
I think that Jersey gets what it deserves. Youse guys have been voting this way for decades. I'm from and I mean from Jersey. The place used to be a great place to live. That's long over. Corruption, Coerssion, Colussion. You live elbow to elbow, trying to scab a living from each other. The polution is still there, the traffic is worse. You forgot how to live. Oh well, it's your problem. Only now your trying to import your garbage here to Pa. We don't want it. Am I bitter? I don't know why, but I guess I am. You all talk like Joe Pescci, but "Jersey Tough" died out a while ago.
I think that Jersey gets what it deserves. Youse guys have been voting this way for decades. .... Oh well, it's your problem. Only now your trying to import your garbage here to Pa. We don't want it.

Tempting to say that New Jersey folks, or folks who are around illegal guns or drugs, or anyone else "gets what they deserve."

Until you realize the precedents set there will reach you eventually.
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine
My comments aren't ment that people need to suffer drugs or crime or any other of societies ills. What I ment to show was that you get what you deserve when you allow people to ussurp the rights of the common folk. In other words, when you allow people like say Brenndon Burn Governor, to name a major venue, ie Brenndon Burn arena, after himself while in office. When you allow the powers that be to hamstring 2nd ammendment rights to the point that getting a firearm is practically immpossible. All the while crime goes up, polution increases, traffic is impassable. And how about this McGreevy guy. I don't care about him being homosexual. That's his business. although he lied to his wife and the rest of NJ. But him giving his lover a job on the state payroll? I bet you could look into alot of other things he did while in office. How bout those trips overseas. And talk about corruption. He couldn't even resign without holding up the state so he could get the next croney into the office. Yeah a real team player. Remember the torch torracceli? It's all part of the game being played on the people, but I don't see any action? I don't see the push for honest govt.. Actually I see a bunch of sheep. They complain but they stay in line and get slaughtered. Sorry, I don't see it any other way. By the way 90% of my entire family still lives there.
good shootin... if you're allowed to
I suppose that part of the 4th Amendment "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated," is pretty much over.
You got that right. The Fourth Amendment is dead. As is the fifth (No taking of property without due process), and just about all the rest.
When (not IF) this bill passes, everyone needs to find some old worthless firearm and dump in on the front lawn of Assemblyman Louis Manzo, D-Jersey City then call the police about "illegal guns" at his address.

If you are going to do it, do it right. At least get the firearm inside his garage along with some kiddie porn.

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