NJ Smart Gun video

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Hello everybody.â„¢

Gotta fix the link, buddy!

(one of my coworkers used to say stuff like that..."What are you doing, buddy?!?"
It works for me. That's so lame, though. It means you can't let your friends shoot your guns at the range and I'm sure the cost will be at least a hundred dollars on top of the gun.
Grip length and strength as part of your "fingerprint"???? So if I strengthen my hands I can't use my gun anymore? Ditto if I change the grips on my gun to make it fit better (especially since I favor revolvers).

Well, it's a good excuse to buy more handguns NOW.
You have got to be kidding. Sadly, this kind of foolishness is for real. Our tax dollars at work.

BTW, what if the owner was injured and had a weakened grip?.
Someone should be held on charges for using the word "smart". Yay for government protecting me from me. OK, everyone into the cattle car. Shnell! Whoops, many in NJ are direct descendants of those who perrished in the death camps. Did I just identify a genetic connection? Wow. I may, in fact, be smart.
This is going to be a big issue. The Demo-rats will be changing their tune from hardline anti-gunners to "soft line" anti-gunners. part of this message will be "smart guns". As far as I can tell, all the major pro-gun organizations ARE ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH on this one. The PRNJ is just the camel's nose in the tent: what just around the bend will be bigger, smelly, and will make a big mess. This has legs in other people's states such as PRMD and PRK(alifornia). It could also catch on at the National Level among the Demo-rats, as well as among the RINOS (McCain, Ru-dy, Ahnold, Romney, etc) who seem to be in the ascendancy in the GOP. We need to start making a big stink about this with our politicians, and our pro-gun organizations. now.

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