No good.......

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Aug 11, 2005
Elbert County, CO
I have been grilling a guy on another board (not a gun forum) for his post in response to a topic about a road rage shooting in Texas.

He said:

This is why i get my gun out and get it ready whenever i'm rolling up on the car that cut me off. For example, if i get cut off, and they're in the right lane, i roll up in the left lane, and i already got it pointing at the passenger door, just out of their view, so that if they make any sudden movements while i'm screaming at them (whether they accidently cut me off or not) i'm ready to shoot them before they shoot me. The problem with drivers nowadays is that some people let them go with simple "highbeams" or giving them "the bird". It is our civic duty to follow them (stalk them if need be - make them think they're going to get attacked for their transgression) for however long it takes, until they stop - and then roll up next to them, make sure your windows down so they can hear you, and let em have it. I don't care how many miles i have to follow them, out of my way or not. And if they're afraid they're going to get attacked - not my problem - i'm just waiting for them to make a move so i can solve one more of societies problems. F'in kids these days. Women too.

I replied:

If this statement isn't satirical and you really do behave this aggressively toward other drivers, you are dangerous and give a bad name to the rest of us who carry. It sounds like you're looking for a fight and hoping it will escalate, giving you cause to kill someone. You need to sell your firearm and seek anger management ASAP. Carrying a firearm is a huge responsibility, and part of that responsibitly is making every effort to avoid confrontation at all costs. Bringing any type of weapon into a fight increases the potential lethality of the situation. If you have a firearm for personal protection, it is your duty to do everything in your power to defuse the situation. Only after you've done everything possible to end the conflict non-violently (back down, reason, apologize, walk away) are you justified in using any kind of force, and only if the other person presents a lethal threat are you justified in using deadly force.

This one could get heated, but hopefully I'm able to make him (and others) understand what it means to carry for self defense.

We'll see.
Sounds like a loose cannon. Fortunately the vast majority of people who carry firearms on their persons try to avoid conflict, and would just let the guy yell at them until the light turns green, and drive away.

I hope he gets the cops called on him for disturbing the peace.
I don't know what the rules are like in CO, but in Texas you get in a LOT of trouble for escalation if you have a CCW. You CANNOT escalate a situation and expect to use deadly force to end it. If you are caught escalating a situation and the LEO finds out you have a CCW, you get to take a special trip to the hokie and most likely will get your CCW revoked.
"This one could get heated, but hopefully I'm able to make him (and others) understand what it means to carry for self defense."

i admire ya for trying but someone like that likely is too stupid to help good luck though hope i'm wrong
That guy will end up in jail if there's a shooting. Being the first to pull a gun makes him, legally speaking, the aggressor, and if he ended up shooting someone he'd get indicted for murder.
I used to have a problem with "Road Rage". I would high-beam, honk, gesticulate in a threatening manner, etc. whenever someone cut me off or tailgaited me or whatever. As a result of one of these incidents, I was followed by somebody with more balls than me and sought refuge in the local Police Station parking lot. The Police diffused the situation and I drove home safely. As a result of the incident, I aquired a CCL license and bought a gun (a .357) to protect myself against such incidents. It was only when I had a loaded gun in my car that I realized what the real implications of that situation could have been, and admitted to myself that the altercation was just as much (if not more) my fault than the fault of the other guy. I carry a gun everywhere I go now, and I never, EVER, participate in highway altercations. When someone cuts me off, I fall back and follow at a safe distance. When someone tailgates me, I pull over and let them pass, and when people honk and flip me off, I pretend as though I did not see them. If it makes them feel tough to shake their fist at me, fine. If they think they got the better of me and I'm a coward, fine. If they run me off the road and threaten my life... The incident I mentioned never would have happened if I hadn't chosen to escalate it. It was my fault entirely and had I had a gun at the time, things may have turned out much differently (and not for the better). My gun is in my car to protect my life, not to justify my pathetic egocentric macho image of myself. If someone cuts me off and flips me the bird in traffic, I will back off and avoid confrontation. If I am given no alternative, I will draw my weapon (count on it), but if I can run away, I will always choose that path first.
Wow, that guy is scary, good luck trying to reason with him. I hope you can get through to him before someone gets hurt!
Yeah, I'm with Selena on this one. It's just too easy to read poorly written sarcasm on the internet and accept it as a real opinion or real fact.

But basically, you said what needed to be said. I'd have waited until the answer came out to the question, "You're joking, right?"
Just too stupid to be serious - isn't it ? Me thinks he's jerk'n your chain .
I don't even understand why people get so pissed off. I call BS on anyone that claims they've never made a mistake while driving. Whatever. I don't think it's a big deal (getting cut off, that is, not the guy you're talking about).
This has got to be a joke...It's has to be, right?:confused:

If not, this loser will be behind bars soon enough...Just unfortunately there may be someone buried as well.
Guilty here:

I used to road rage. My favorite was to pull along side of someone and point(finger) at their tire like something was wrong. This would get them to pull over off the road.

My CHL has had a calming effect on me. You cut me off.....go ahead.
You are a brake happy fool that doesnt understand automatics are ment to be driven with one foot, not two.......thats fine.

Nothing you do will cost me my freedom of carrying the means to defend my family.

Think of it like a zen type of effect. I am the calm happy dude sitting atop a mountain.

Oooh this made me think of a thread topic I havent seen before.... see ya.
Situational awareness is very important, while this guy claims he has the gun out only in case the person reacts there are others who are not even this sane.
always keep an eye on who is behind you and if you think someone is following you don't go to your house, go somewhere like a police station where you can get help if needed, and I would not recommend trying to lose them as this could put you into a very bad situation if something happens. Just my two cents
My CHL has had a calming effect on me. You cut me off.....go ahead.
You are a brake happy fool that doesnt understand automatics are ment to be driven with one foot, not two.......thats fine.

Ditto. My driving behavior has changed completely since I've been carrying. I take all sorts of bad behavior by others with a smile.
I didn't visit the link but given the quote that guy is either wacko or full of ****.

I admit I had a road rage problem too. Shortly after I started carrying I break checked a guy because he was too far up my tailpipe, he gestured, I gestured, he passed me, got in front of me and slammed on his breaks forcing me to come to nearly a complete stop(this was on an interstate). Luckily he then drove off but it made me think about my possession of a concealed handgun and how fighting with other motorists was probably not a good idea.
Everybody else is still in my way, but now I stay relaxed for the most part.
Ditto on the calming effect. I'm a very forgiving driver when I'm carrying. I'm not less aware, but I'm not going to get into an altercation on the highway over what really boils down to pride.
So what you guys are saying is not only are the streets not running red with the blood from CCW shoot-outs resulting from Road Rage, but they are actually safer??!!!?!??!

I find it hard to believe the Bradys would lie to people.....

okay....enough with that bit of sarcasm. Good for you guys. I can be into road-rage a bit, but usually only when I get stuck behind some old person doing ten below the speed limit and with a double yellow line.

Remember that there's two sides to every encounter. What does your actions say about you to the other person?
"You need to sell your firearm and seek anger management ASAP."

He needs to sell his car also.

Statements like this need to be addressed as if serious, as if the poster really meant what he typed. There wasn't enough "mall-ninja exaggeration"in the post to excuse it.

Only when those options are absolutely satisfied and you are no longer able to depart, should defend with all possible force be accomplished. Why would anyone NOT try to get out of a bad situation instead of wanting to try to get into one?
I'd say it's one of 3 situations
1. He's not serious (joking with you, satire, a blowhard, or a kid)
2. He's not legally carrying and likely a sociopath
3. He's legally carrying but won't be for long
If it's 2 or 3 it won't be long before he's behind bars or taking a dirt nap.
The original post made me think of one of the other threads about a CCW'er, carrying 4, 40's and "going on patrol" in his neighbor hood. After reading through the entire litany, I firmly hope that the entire thing was written in jest. Those of you who have read the thread, know what I'm taling about. I think it was under the topic of 'Mall Ninja'.
i think it would be best if this guy had his CPL taken for misuse of his firearm and seek help

i thought a firearm is the last resort in any condition unless in military combat
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