Non Immigrant Alien Gun Purchase

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Dec 18, 2005
Hi everybody, I have a legal question.
I have looked at the ATF's website, and found out that a non immigrant alien legally in the states can purchase a gun under some conditions, in particular the possess of a valid hunting permit (other than having resided in a state for 90 days).
Here are my questions:
1) Does it mean that if I buy a hunting license for a particular game, after the season is over I am breaking the law if I keep my guns? A life license would solve the problem?
2) Does it mean that I can only purchase hunting guns?

No, you can buy whatever's legal to own in your state. When I bought my first firearm I just had to show residence in the state for the previous 90 days (utility bills) plus a hunting license (NICS put a 3-day "wait" on me but I got it after 3 days anyway).

My personal situation changed and I'm now a permanent resident, FWIW - but if you're nervous, just renew the hunting-license each year (which I do anyway to go bird-hunting).
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