Northern Virginia-Ffx Co. Police at it again with open carry

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May 5, 2004
Sterling, Va

As reported over at the good folks at (if linking to a relevant story on another site is verboten, please accept my apologies in advance). Looks like this time the nice couple were open carrying at Reston Town Center when a squadron of LEO's came and who's supervisor played the bad cop routine, and when the bullying didn't work to make them go away, they went to the Center's rentacops to see if they would agree to mandate that they leave to get them kicked out (the Center is private property). (Oh yea....apparently, the animal control folks were coincidently there with the officers too: the couple was walking thier dog. No this wasn't planned at all :rolleyes: )

Cruc is working for me. Sounds like a relatively calm encounter with fairfax cops while open-carrying in Reston headed south when a supervisor showed up. Doesn't surprise me that a senior cop shaowed a lot more "PC" Northern Virginia attitude than the younger officers did.

WildAlaska will be here shortly to scold all involved. :neener:

TFL Survivor
Fairfax again?

Their holsters probably clashed with their outfits. That's a big no-no up that way. Dress for success, image is everything, get out of my way I'm important(a serious problem with 1 million cars registered in Fairfax County.)

You know, they might need those guns out there in suburbia. Anybody read the recent stories in the Washington Post on the coyotes taking up residence inside the Beltway and eating pets and stuff? Big coyotes, fifty pounders.

Neighbors have supposedly seen coyotes around where I live (Virginia very close to West Virginia).

I'm really thinking that they're just feral dogs.
"Virginia hunters killed more than 6,000 coyotes during the 1998-99 hunting season." - found on my cluttered hard drive.

It also said that the state's estimated population is 20,000.

This supervisor is apparently having a tantrum over a law he doesn't like.

Fairfax County's finances are on very thin ice if they intend to keep up this harassment, which is apparently deliberate. How long will it be before the race to the courthouse begins by gun owners seeking redress. I think some letters to the County Council pointing this out might have some effect.

On the coyotes, there are a bunch here in Northern Va, far closer in than people expect. I've seen a western red coyote at the Alexandria town dump, which is only 3-4 blocks up from Old Town Alexandria and the Potomac. (It wasn't a dog, I got a very good look at it from about 20 ft. away).
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