not gun related, but possibly interesting, from

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
Cut in AMT Unlikely This Year

“Senator Bill Frist, the majority leader, said Tuesday that Congress was not likely to act this year to shield millions of middle- and upper-income taxpayers from a larger income tax bite as lawmakers moved into the final days of the session with many major issues hanging in the balance,” The New York Times reports. “In laying out what he hoped to accomplish before adjourning for the year, Mr. Frist, Republican of Tennessee, said that ‘in all likelihood’ the Senate would not try to reach agreement with the House on competing $30 billion plans to reduce the impact of the alternative minimum tax. The tax, originally created to prevent the rich from escaping tax liability, is expected to reach another 15 million Americans next year because of inflation.”

In “Maximizing the Minimum Tax,” Cato senior fellow Alan Reynolds, writes: “A New York Times editorial, ‘Mr. Bush's stealthy tax increase,’ claimed, ‘President Bush is presiding over a big middle-class tax hike.’ That is because rising nominal incomes will push more and more taxpayers into the ‘alternative minimum tax’ (AMT). Such partisan complaints are ironic because the AMT was invented by Democrats to squeeze more taxes from the rich. It does so by denying those with higher incomes deductions and personal exemptions available to other taxpayers -- that is, by denying equal treatment under the law.”

Posters comment/question

Problem with ths Alternative Minimum Tax appears to be a the lack of indexing, which would allow for inflation. This particular problem is nothing new. Possibly this is not one of my brighter days, but I do wonder as to how come our elected things have never fixed the problem. They are certainly aware of it.
alan said:
Cut in AMT Unlikely This Year

“Senator Bill Frist, the majority leader, said Tuesday that Congress was not likely to act this year to shield millions of middle- and upper-income taxpayers from a larger income tax bite as lawmakers moved into the final days of the session with many major issues hanging in the balance,” The New York Times reports. “In laying out what he hoped to accomplish before adjourning for the year, Mr. Frist, Republican of Tennessee, said that ‘in all likelihood’ the Senate would not try to reach agreement with the House on competing $30 billion plans to reduce the impact of the alternative minimum tax. The tax, originally created to prevent the rich from escaping tax liability, is expected to reach another 15 million Americans next year because of inflation.”

In “Maximizing the Minimum Tax,” Cato senior fellow Alan Reynolds, writes: “A New York Times editorial, ‘Mr. Bush's stealthy tax increase,’ claimed, ‘President Bush is presiding over a big middle-class tax hike.’ That is because rising nominal incomes will push more and more taxpayers into the ‘alternative minimum tax’ (AMT). Such partisan complaints are ironic because the AMT was invented by Democrats to squeeze more taxes from the rich. It does so by denying those with higher incomes deductions and personal exemptions available to other taxpayers -- that is, by denying equal treatment under the law.”

Posters comment/question

Problem with ths Alternative Minimum Tax appears to be a the lack of indexing, which would allow for inflation. This particular problem is nothing new. Possibly this is not one of my brighter days, but I do wonder as to how come our elected things have never fixed the problem. They are certainly aware of it.

Of course, they just got through pushing through another $91 BILLION tax cut for the WEALTHY... :cuss:
Manedwolf said:
Of course, they just got through pushing through another $91 BILLION tax cut for the WEALTHY... :cuss:

But haven't you heard? The rich are going to take the $91Billion and create jobs for all of us wastrels, hangers on, and peons.:banghead: Or maybe I am confused, maybe it is jobs for illegal immegrants and factories built in other countries.
I just watched Steve Forbes on Fox. He said something that will get these folks attention.
"There's nothing quite as good to focus your attention then when you're going to be hung." If they don't keep the economy going, a recession is looming, and their "phoney baloney jobs" will be in danger. That will wake them up.
It will pass
But haven't you heard? The rich are going to take the $91Billion and create jobs for all of us wastrels, hangers on, and peons

I love this attitude, especially on a forum where we push for everyone to be treated equally. Want to know the truth? The truth is you (the plural non-specific) don't pay squat in federal taxes despite your indignant and envious attitude towards those who do.

You and I (unless you are a stealth millionaire) don't really pay for the federal governent. Oh we pay some taxes, but the people who make this country run are people like Bill Gates and the movie stars we all love to hate. Those people pay real taxes and get absolutely nothing out of the system. Those people don't get a huge federal tax break by deducting their property taxes like most middle class people do. What is $8 grand in tax deductions when you put in a million dollars? What good are deductions for 3 children when your tax bill is even as low as $50,000? The simple fact that the top 25% of wage earners pay ~84% of all federal taxes and the top 1% (people who earn over 300k) pays nearly 34% should clue you in.

If anyone deserves to get a tax break, it is the ones who are bearing the burden of this country. Guess what, it isn't, most likely, you and me. Of course, it is easy to say, "tax the rich" if you never plan to become a sucessful and affluent individual. It is easier to stay common and lob insults that way you can feel good about how little you actually put in. Who defines what is rich anyhow? To me, 300k a year isn't rich, so why are they paying 10 times more in taxes than the bottom 50% of tax payers?

Does paying taxes hurt? Sure, I wish I paid less, but instead of complaining I just put in some more work so I can afford the things I want.
It's a hell of a lot easier to come up with $30K when you're making $300K than $3K when you are making $30. The wealthy don't pay anywhere close to the taxes they should in relation to their quality of life and value of the benefits that accrue to them by virture of living in this country. And, by the way, one doesn't read about their sons and daughters dying in Iraq/Afghanistan/etc. very often.
You and I (unless you are a stealth millionaire) don't really pay for the federal governent.
Well, first off, we shouldn't be paying for about 2/3 of the Federal government . . . that's because 2/3 of the Federal government shouldn't even exist.

I don't consider myself wealthy - sadly, my salary is appreciably less than that of a Senator or Congressman - yet I still pay more in taxes than I do for food, clothing, shelter, and transportation combined. And that's just in the direct taxes I can quantify. (And yes, I have been personally been hurt by AMT.) Considering further that a part of every good or service I purchase ultimately goes to the government when the provider or his supplier pays THEIR taxes, don't you DARE imply I'm not paying enough. :fire:
We're not going to be doing the class warfare thing here, folks. Not gun-related, not terribly civil liberties-related, and not being discussed with a great deal of civility equals a closed thread.

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