Now This Is A Knife!

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Mar 2, 2004
I just finished up the sheath for this Hibbens knife for a customer. Now, that is a knife:


Well, it's definitely something.

I'm not much of a fantasy knife fan. Nice sheath, though.

I can't say as it's my cup of tea either. I just enjoy having the opportunity to do the sheaths for the different styles of knives. This was the first time doing a sheath for a double-bladed knife - a bit of a challenge at times.
Thanks, Valkman. It's somewhat hard to tell, but that's black snake inlaid in the center of the sheath, and then deerskin is used for the lining.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.

Warhog, it's my understanding from the customer that he wanted a sheath to display with the knife. Originally he wanted to be able to carry it on a belt, but I was able to talk him out of that. :) Told him it would look better set in a display case.
I guess I'm old fashioned... knife should have a sharp end and a "not shorp" end....I don't even know where to grab the thing.
isn't the point of sheath to protect the edge, and also the user from cut accidentally? I see the blade is still exposed, or is that also secured in some way?

nice one though.

You are correct in that a person should be protected from the blade. The smaller of the two blades that is exposed in the picture above is a totally dull, unsharpened blade. The only way you're going to hurt yourself is by applying a great amount of direct pressure on either point of that blade. If that blade had been sharpened in the least little bit, it would be inside of the sheath.
The sheath is excellent but the blade looks like Sindri and Brokk vomited on a forge. :D
No new finagled knifes for me.


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