NOW we're doing something about it.

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May 22, 2003
Last year I sent in some info to my local paper, the San Diego Union Tribune, after they printed a fallacious story on the AWB. The next week they did a kick @$$ pro-gun truth expose on the whole scam. They have not had another anti-gun article since.

I sent them Gun Facts V 3.2 and politley asked them to use it for reference. You guys need to do the same.

Gun facts

Most of us were pretty steamed with todays incidents in DC. So lets put the heat on some of these journalists. Many of them WILL LISTEN. Despite what people say, they usually want the easy truth (and let the anti's lie), that is why I send them Gun Facts.

Here is how this is going to happen.

1. List your local papers contact person, or error correcting person.

2. Write that person a quick email detailing one of the obvious lies told by fineswine and boxer today. There were a lot.

3. Cut and paste that letter/email address into this thread.

4. Give permission to all here to copy and send the same/similair letter to THEIR local papers.

Be polite, you ARE an idiot if you think crying and threats are going to get your letter printed. Use facts, reference them. Make it short and sweet.

5. done yet???


I sent this letter or parts of it, to these papers:

SDUT: [email protected]; [email protected]
SFGate: [email protected].

It is getting harder and harder to hear the terrible lies coming from our politicians. It is the media's job to point out these lies when they occur. Senator Boxer this week was in rare form. Involving S.Amdt. 2620 to S. 1805 (Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act ).

Barbara Boxer is quoted as saying:

"If we were to pass this legislation and it become the law of the land, the number of children involved in the number of accidental shootings would go way down," She then went on to say a child was killed by firearms every three hours. (

That number comes out to over 2900 a year. It is wrong. By a factor of nearly 200 times.

Boxer strayed from the topic she started, children killed by accidents involving firearms, to another one, total children killed with firearms. What is worse is that the only way to reach the number she arrived at is to extend the definition of "children" to the late teens, include suicides, and gangland murders. In reality, 20-40 children of age 15 or younger kill themselves with guns every year by accident over the last decade. These are the numbers used by the same source she cited, FBI Uniform Crime Report. Only it's the whole truth. In 1998 there were only 21 deaths of children under the age of 15. In that same year, 40 children under the age of 5 years old died from drowning in buckets. I mean....were killed buckets.

In September the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban is set to expire unless it is renewed. The label of the bill is misleading because it is not about assault rifles. It is about "assault weapons" as defined for the law. These are not automatic guns. They are rifles with pistol grips and adjustable stocks. They shoot the same as any other gun.

Under the "renewal" H.R. 2038/S. 1431, shotguns are redefined to fall under the category of an assault weapon. There is no 10 year provision in this one. It's permanent. Now that the scary looking guns have been outlawed, they ARE going after your duck hunting gun, your skeet shooting gun, and your home defense gun.

For years America has called people who spoke out on these laws as"gun-nuts". Well, if you are an occasional hunter, skeet shooter, or just like to know you can keep your family safe without having to ask a home invader to standby while you call 911.....then you are a gun nut too!

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on CBS 60 Minutes--"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it."

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