NPS ban repeal update

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Dec 25, 2002
Northern Virginia, USA
Updates on the NPS ban repeal effort (please feel free to x-post to other venues) :
First, there have been some developments on the NPS ban repeal front.
Most current:
Main time line index:

If you can spare a few free moments, please give your Congressional delegation a call, and ask them to get on board the repeal effort. If you've already called them, please don't be shy and call them again! I have resources available here:
Every little bit helps!

Second, the National Park Service is currently updating their "management policies".

I draw your attention to Chapter 8, use of the parks:

8.6.9 Military Operations
In general, military activities are discouraged in parks,... A permitted military activity must conform to the following conditions:
• No weaponry will be carried, displayed, or used, except for ceremonial purposes or authorized public demonstrations;
• The activity will be conducted away from visitor use locations and out of public view (except where a public demonstration is specifically authorized);

I believe that this policy is unpatriotic and sends the wrong message to the public, especially in a time of war. At a time of heightened terrorism risk, this is the wrong policy. Any time it's the wrong policy, but it's especially eggregious while the country is at war.
This is not new for the Park Service, who not only show scorn and disdain for our Armed Forces, but for military reenactors as well. If the battle of Yorktown were fought today, the National Park Service would surrender before Washington & Rochambeau got to lob a single artillery projectile at Cornwallis! In fact, the Generals would be arrested for violating the NPS ban on self defense and weapons!

You can and should comment on the Park Service management policies document by clicking the 'comment on document' link here:


The last entry on Bighammer shows the current status as best as I understand it. Unless somebody else out there has a host of letters expressing Congressional support they'd be willing to share :scrutiny:
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