NRA and Colin Noir

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Excellent news! I too like Mr. Noir's channel. Articulate, whitty, and intelligent commentary. Not only is it intelligent, just about everything he says also makes an excellent sound bite too. I think he would do an excellent job of helping to sell the Pro-2A message to the masses.

Plus, he seems to have a better sense of what's OK vs whats not OK to say as far as advancing the 2A. Too often I've seen the NRA's media team put their foot in their mouth.
About time. Smart move for the NRA.
I have liked his channel for sometime.
Common sense.

I was happy to see this also. As much as I hate the use of the phrases "black community" hispanic community" and so on, now maybe they will quit trying to portray us as a bunch of racist hillbillys.
I read this the other day - I think it is very good news. He is an asset to our side.

I hope this guy is ready to be demonized because if the NRA is going to start putting him out front, the media is going to do whatever it takes to tear him apart.

Well, I believe he is a law student, so I'm going to assume he is already prepared for that...:neener:
I'm subscribed to his channel on youtube. His comments are very well reasoned and he appears to understand the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. This is a very good move by the NRA....They're putting my dollars to good use.
Didn't take time for the Racist Jerks to start spouting off on his channel.

Real nice....
Colion just needs to make sure he calls the shots on all his appearances, not the NRA. He is much more effective at getting his message across and needs to (a) be the one who brings the NRA's ad campaign into the modern era and (b) not let the NRA's "set in the ways" crowd to bring him down, so to speak.
He makes too much sense. The antis are going to have to disappear him! How I dunno, but they aren`t going to get in a shoot out with him. Poison, maybe like Breitbart?
I don't think he has a coke problem
Not sure if anyone saw Russell Simmons' hit piece on Colion and the NRA in Huffington Post:

Here is the response I posted in the comments section:

Not sure how much Mr. Simmons knows about Colion Noir based upon this piece – apparently very little. "Some black guy" is an intelligent American Citizen (who the heck cares what his skin color is) who has become very popular on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. for communicating the courage of his convictions in a logical and well-thought manner. He does not advocate fighting the government, but promotes the right to keep and bear arms (RKBA) for defensive purposes against criminals. His social commentary on government policies relate solely to the infringement of that right, or hypocritical policies relating thereto. The ad to which Mr. Simmons refers makes no mention of the NRA “helping” Black America – Colion simply notes the hypocrisy of the history. I am not sure what formal education Mr. Simmonds has received (knowledge limitation here) that authorizes him to be the social authority on this subject (NOT debating his positions here at all so spare us the comments to that effect), but I certainly recognize his right to exercise free speech as guaranteed under 1A, as long as he recognizes our right to defend that under 2A. The BOR does not carry a multiple choice option. The NRA and Colion can do whatever they legally want with their resources and Mr. Simmons should have no influence on the matter, unless of course he wants to join and be a contributing member.
You gotta see his reviews of "The Walking Dead" tv show; they're better than the show!!!:)
Whoa! I just saw the MSNBC interview - she said he was "targeting the young african americans"?? and THEN they have Charles Rangel talking about this?

First, could someone PLEASE find in Mr. Noir's videos where he's "targeting" young urban kids... please.

Second, I grew up in Charles Rangels district in Harlem and have absolutely nothing good to say about him - a bully, a liar and a thief.

Third, I love how liberals portray conservatives as "racists" while calling Mr. Noir a "black contributor" - I really do loathe the self righteous attitudes of many liberals.

I'm noticing how they are only focusing on the one video where he talks about urban folks arming themselves as if it's the ONLY video he's ever done.
When I first moved to Colorado a couple of years ago, I saw bumper stickers that read "I don't believe the liberal media" - I understand that now...
I have enjoyed his videos for some time. It rocks that the NRA has picked him up and backed him. It shows great fortitude on his part to accept the challenge.

As posted.... Outstanding!
It looks like the Left will go into over-drive applying Saul Alinsky's Rule #13 on Mr. Noir...

RULE 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Just saw that video. Blatant stupidity of those antis is incredible. Perhaps the NRA should enlist Irish, Jewish, Asian, English, Australian, Vietnamese, etc., as frontmen as well?

You know the antis answer? "I cannot believe the NRA is using their multi-cultural membership to advance their, "is this all they have left?" agenda.

I do think the NRA needs articulate, professional, younger advocates to present to the public eye. Even then, the left will act shocked, and eviscerate common sense the NRA has shown, like a trout ready for cooking.

I'm 57 years old, so my request for younger, well-spoken, and literate representatives for the NRA is not based on age.

The left will vilify anyone in the NRA. Or anyone pro-gun. Their ignorance and hatred so poisons their minds, they cannot see common sense, or well-reasoned responses to our constitutional rights.

Frankly, they are a blight, to citizens rights; blind followers of anti constitutional, socialist republic doctrine.
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Only video I didn't agree with was the bathroom one.
I don't agree with taking your gun off to use the john in a public restroom. IWB carry the gun just sits there.

OWB just buckle your belt around your shins.

Just my take...

Otherwise I love this guy!

In God and Glock we Trust
If the anti's are this riled up, then I think Mr. Noir is off to a good start.
His reply to Russell Simmons was the best! Completely "High Road".
Got a link to this?

Also, is it just me or is Martin Bashir MSNBC's version of Piers Morgan? Both are mouthy British blowhards who seem to think speaking louder than everybody else will somehow make his point true?
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