NRA Petition to fire Eric Holder

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True, Psychological warfare is never a waste of time but in this case I believe it won't amount to a hill of beans. If someone other than the NRA started this petition, then maybe but the NRA has been vocal for so long that o-bum-a will just ignore it. Holder is so anti gun that he makes o-bum-a happy.

Having said that, I signed the petition and went on record supporting the NRA in this matter
Its a mental masturbation exercise. Even if Holder goes there's another anti-gun left winger available for BHO to appoint.
This is a futile exercise.

Your vote in November 2012 will mean a lot more than this hollow petition.

That one statement from our nation's top law-enforcement official proves that Attorney General Holder is either covering up for Obama, his failed gun control schemes and the crimes committed, or he's incompetent.

Either way, he can't be trusted with the powers of Attorney General, the law enforcement agencies he commands, the sanctity of the Second Amendment, or the lives of Federal agents.

That's why NRA is launching a nationwide campaign to gather hundreds of thousands of signatures on this Petition to Fire Eric Holder, one of the chief architects of Obama's gun ban agenda.

Holder's statement is actually true, as far as it goes. Agents were ordered not to track guns that were sold to known straw buyers, so how could he possibly know how the guns came to be at the scene of Agent Terry's murder?

I'd say the evidence of incompetence came at the same hearing in May, at which Holder said he learned of Operation Fast and Furious "a few weeks" earlier. Grassley first sent him a letter on the fiasco on January 31st, so the statement indicates that he was unaware of this developing scandal in his department for many weeks and does not open mail from US Senators, or he was lying to Congress under oath. Either way, calling for him to go is appropriate.
That might not be as bad as you think, alsaqr. My mother was a State prosecutor in Janet Reno's office in Dade County.

The fact that he will be replaced by someone with similar political views does not, in my view, mean that we need to leave incompetents or liars in office. Holder must be one or the other based on the evidence I posted above, it seems to me.
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