NRA "Thank You" Thread

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Sep 23, 2003
Central Texas
While we can never claim to have won this war, we can and should take time to reflect on and celebrate victories when they occur.

I'm pretty certain that if not for the NRA and it's members we would not be celebrating today's Senate victory. I can't even imagine what things would be like if not for the NRA.

If you are an NRA member, thank you. I have also taken the time to thank the NRA directly.

NOTE: I realize that there are a lot of NRA critics. If you are one of them you're welcome to your views but please take them to a thread of your own or one of the many threads where the NRA is debated and respect the fact that this thread is for thanking the NRA and its members for a job well done.
I ditto the thanks to the NRA.

I'm a Life Member right now and will be upgrading that shortly.
I'm a life member since 1974, & as allways I thank the NRA for there efforts in combatting this very important issue inre. the 2nd Amendment, but lets not drop our guard, as I'm sure there will be further assaults on our freedom.
I am an Endowment member and will likely upgrade from there shortly.

Thanks for the link- I thanked the NRA, too. :)
I have been doing well this year and last...

Made donations to all three of Ted Cruz's campaigns...
Upped NRA membership to Life last year and Endowment this year...
Joined GOA and TSRA as a Life member...
I have also made donations to the NRA-ILA funds...

The snit fit by the tyrant in the White House yesterday made it all worthwhile...
@ JoeDorn:

Didn't it? That whiny baby Obama was on national television having a break down temper tantrum of epic proportions. Tough! All that navel sniveling nonsense didn't override the will of the people to exercise their rights. Well done NRA, GOA and everyone else involved!

I just joined the NRA as a Life Member this month. I've owned guns for a year now, but just joined the NRA because they were out in front on this crucial issue. They are not perfect organization, but then again, which one is? That being said, the value they provide on the 2nd Amendment, training programs and so much more make it worth the $1000 check I just sent them.
If not for the NRA, we would have lost our Second Amendment rights long ago. I'm proud to have been a member since 1967. While I'm thinking of it, all of us should try to send NRA-ILA some money whenever we can. Like I tell my gun owning, non NRA member friends, it takes lots of money to win these battles. We won a battle yesterday, but the war will go on. The anti-gun forces will regroup. You can be certain of that.
Phil Dirt,

You're on the mark. I consider my contributions to the NRA-ILA like an expendable gun expense like a cleaning cloth, oil or ammo. It is part of the cost and maintenance of owning your gun. As long as we all see it that way, we'll arm the war chest coffers to continue to turn the tide against bad legislation, and in court to throw out existing unconstitutional statutes.
Upgraded to Life 2 months ago, and also got 4 other people to join (paid their first year membership).
While I am often critical of the NRA as being too willing to bend, I will thank them for helping to hold the line this time. If they keep it up, I am liable to start singing their praises.
Another "thank you for the NRA" from me. I urge anyone who is not, to become a life member. Politics aside, the NRA is the American gunowners best friend. I sometimes do not agree with some of their stances or actions, but I know I can depend on them to fight to keep Americans legally armed.
I sent in my membership application just this past Monday after a three year hiatus. I eventually want to become a lifetime member but I can't afford it right now. Thanks to the NRA, pro 2A advocates, and others, I really appreciate all the effort.

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I think rather than tying up their resources reading thank you notes, we should express our thanks in more substantial ways. Join the NRA is you have not already or upgrade your NRA membership if are. Donate to the NRA-ILA. Encourage friends to join, upgrade or donate. Make sure they have the resources to continue the battle.
I upgraded my membership today to benefactor. I guess from here on out I'll just donate $ as there are no more levels that I'm aware.
Thank you NRA, as soon as I have the money (poor guy here) I intend to join the organization. I have no doubt that if people had not been so strongly invested in the NRA that the anti gun crowd would have passed their strict gun control measures.

I think it is time to give credit where credit is due and help the NRA fight for your rights. There are dozens of other groups fighting for your rights but none of them command the respect that the NRA does because of the massive number of individuals behind them.

If you want your dollar to matter, it is time to join the National Rifle Association. Don't the the USA join the UK in being disarmed. Don't let the rights that our forefathers fought and gave their lives to protect be eroded.
You're *paying* the NRA to be your advocate. They're employees.

Your thanks should properly go to the people who did the right thing when they voted.
I am the NRA and I thank the Leaders and Fighters.

When I am able I will continue my contributions and will do so gladly, even if it hurts a bit in this tight economy on my end.
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