NRA to run ads against 9th court decision, appeal to SC

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You should know that these fights cost money. Your annual dues only cover the magazine subscription and registration costs. It takes more to pay for the day to day costs of operation. Thus the annoying mail solicitations for donations.

I have to disagree. If NRA can afford to dick around with opening resturants, play infomercials ONLY durring presidential election periods, and file suits on first ammendment issues then it can afford to do this.

When PRK residents banded together and worked grassroots to get a RKBA ammendment to the PRK const, NRA was no where to be found. They refused to help.

NRA has neglected PRK for too long. :fire: When they actualy file a suit and move to support us, then I MIGHT send some money. The last few years, the only thing NRA has done in PRK is play Republican Propoganda Wing.

NRA, show me some action then I might show you the money. I am not holding my breath though.
A few things

First - the NRA is not stupid. To throw all of their support behind Gorski in a fight against the liberal 9th - and to lose, would look very bad. I read the opinion, and Gorski could of had the NRA, the GOA and every CA gun group backing him with millions of dollars and the best lawyers and he would have lost. Smart move not to back him in his fight against the 9th and their biased court.

Now, Gorski is going to appeal to the Supreme Court on his own and the NRA has to back him. Lose at the Supreme Court and it would be a huge setback. I believe the NRA wanted to wait until Bush is re-elected and their are a few more conservative Justices to take this fight to the top. However, with the economy as weak as it is Bush may not be re-elected and you will then have liberal Justices appointed.

Like it or not, now is the time to fight this in the Supreme Court. This is huge. If the Supreme Court hears this, it will be the most significant thing to affect - for or against - our 2nd Ammendment rights in our lifetime. Nothing could be bigger than this.

While I don't agree with everything the NRA says or does - I believe we should all offer our financial support - after we are sure this case will be heard by the Supreme Court. Sure, the NRA could be taking advantage of the fact that the Supreme Court may hear this case to raise money. IF the Supreme Court hears this case, though, the NRA, the GOA, every gun group and all of us should be righting huge checks as this will define the future of the 2nd.

As for TV ads, I don't think the NRA should do them until after the case is won. I think this should be kept quiet so the Supreme Court makes a decision based on the facts - which are on our side, and not based on a million (or 50 thousand) soccer moms marching on DC telling the court they are against it.
A vicious cycle of failure is created when people say:

"show me some action, then I will send you money"

With no money, there will be no action. Money has to come first.

No money = No Action = No money = No action... it will go on and on.

This is rationalization not to donate to the NRA, nothing more.

Put your money where you mouth is.
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