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NRA. They are large enough and draw enough voters to put a hammering to politicians, which doesn't happen nearly enough I think.
Depends on the mood.

NRA hasn't exactly been doing stellar this year. Problem is, GOA has mucked up too.

If you want a big gorilla at the Fed level that will slowly screw things up at the Fed and State level, go NRA. If you want a small very determined but is still small and weak pitbull, go GOA. I am a lifer in both, so make your own call.

All that said, you can probably do a search and get a hundred NRA vs GOA threads.
NRA! The are just much more effective in defending Second Amendment rights. Also, not to be forgotten, NRA is not only political organization but they are organization that actively promotes the shooting sports which in my opinion is as important as lobbying since the more popular the shooting sports are the better chance we have of preserving what we cherish.
I lost all respect for the GOA because when the bodies were still warm at VT they issued a press release claiming that their rights were about to be infringed upon. At least the NRA had the sense god gave a lump of coal and kept their mouths shut until things settled down.
I don't care for Larry Pratt, so I haven't joined GOA. However, I do get their alerts, just to keep up with stuff they feel needs pushing.
However, I have joined the NRA as a life member. They do so much for the 2nd Amendment at the federal level that GOA can't even begin to touch.

The grassroots group I joined is called VCDL, which many of you are familiar with here on The High Road. This group is unequaled at the state and local level.
Divisiveness within our fraternity has to be one of the most foolish ideas possible.

Whether state or national, find the group that suits your views and join with it. But forever remain silent insofar as giving any solace to such as the Brady Bunch by denigrating other organizations.

Bad-mouthing any RKBA group, be it GOA, NRA, CCRKBA, 2AF or JPFO merely helps the likes of the Pelosis/Schumer/et al.

Which is why threads like this won't live.


The answer is so simple that it hardly bears a response, not to be blunt.

For legislative action (since you posted in this forum, I'll assume that's your interest) there's nothing better in town that the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action. For example, go ahead and search through the last National Review, and see who they thinks owns Congress. I'll give you a hint, it is not the GOA.

From what I can tell, GOA is single focused - legislation. NRA is considerably more diverse showing leadership and support through out the shooting community.

Then there's the size. The NRA is more than 10 times the size of the GOA. Who do you want working for you, an organization representing 3.5 million, or one less than 1/10 that size. That comes down to an argument that even a Congressman can understand.

So if you had $50 to invest in an advocacy group for our community, where would the money do the best work? Do the math, dude...

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