Number of M1's to Rearm US Military/1936

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Dec 26, 2002
N. Catasauqua, Pa
This file shows us the number of M1 Garands for our US Military for a 100% change over from the Model 1903. Remember this is during the Great Depression when NO FUNDS were around, also not ONE Production M1 Garand has been built yet !! Look at the National Guard Numbers.
My question to YOU is why so few rifles ?

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Warning, before you go to my sites lower your volume as the opening page contains a sound file which has a loading and firing of the M1 Garand. So if you're at work or home it may be wise to check your volume control.

Hit'em again
Thanks again
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Looks like they wanted to test them out on the NG before putting them into the hands of a lot of soldiers likely to see combat. Interesting.
Why assume "testing" with the NG? The regular army at that time was VERY small -- we didn't begin our WW II buildup until 1940-41. The Guard of the 30s far outnumbered the regular army. And nothing in the memo said the Guard was to get them first. In my research, I'm not aware of any Guard unit that drew M1s before the RA.

And even early in the war there were not enough M1s to go around. Look at the North Africa landings in November 1942 -- many of the 1st Infantry Division troops were still carrying Springfields.
I don't have the numbers handy, but those figures sound about right for the size of the standing Army in 1936. After WWI the pacificists and isolationists took control of the federal government and shrunk the Army down to little more than a skeleton force. It wasn't until after George Marshall was appointed Army Chief of Staff in 1939 that a gradual build-up begin to occur in anticipation of entering WWII.
Why so few rifles?

I would say because thats only three branches of the regular Army. you still dont have orders for the: Adjutant General, Field Artillery, Health Services, Ordnance, Armor, Quartermaster, Aviation (for the ground crews), Language, Signal, Chemical, Military Police, Military Intelligence (I know ), and Transportation. Not to mention you would also need a substantial amount for training units (tradoc)for Basic and AIT.
eclancy----where do you come up with these things? You've been posting little fun tidbits of info and copies of fun documents for years--and they're all fascinating:D .

Lesser amount of troops to issue them to, perhaps?
Nice comeback. You might know that the US Navy was the one that saved the M1 Garand from going under. They had received funds for 32 ships and Ordnance and SA wanted some of those funds for the M1 Garand Program for Production. I will post other data on this subject. Eightball check out my sites on the net. I have two books and a CD with this type of data. t's the real Ordnance files on the M1 Garand. Have fun.
Thanks again
ps NOTICE the date when the Classification was Cancelled ???
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