NY State Senator's Microstamping Poll

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Feb 25, 2008
The Free State

Scroll to the bottom to see the poll.
Edit: Copy and paste the URL into your browser. Do not click any links to the poll.
That was intentionally -not- a link.
When you link to polls, it shows the polling site that the user was referred by this page. Thus, they are able to easily discount the results.
Please edit your post and remove the link.
Well, I found out about the poll through an NRA-ILA alert, so I'm assuming its already been flooded through that means.
I notice that the senator is leaving a cookie with those that vote in his poll. You that have done so might wish to attend to it. :evil:
Voted. With the overwhelming amount of NOs I'm surprised they haven't scraped this poll by now.
Since the poll didn't go his way I'm sure it will vanish soon enough. Did you poke around his site? Guys seems like a ****. How on earth do people like this get elected? Oh yeah . . . . I forgot . . . other ***** vote for them.:cool:
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