NYC Mayor Called 'Blooming Idiot' for Supporting Illegal Aliens

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
NYC Mayor Called 'Blooming Idiot' for Supporting Illegal Aliens
By Randy Hall Staff Writer/Editor

( - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is "a blooming idiot" for giving testimony on Wednesday that supports illegal aliens while attacking the rights of American gun owners, a pro-gun group has charged.

During testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee at a hearing held in Philadelphia, Bloomberg said: "Although they broke the law by illegally crossing our borders ... our city's economy would be a shell of itself had they not, and it would collapse if they were deported. The same holds true for the nation."

That comment drew the ire of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), which accused the mayor of being "a blooming idiot" for preferring to see the country overrun by illegal aliens than give a break to law-abiding American gun owners.

"While Bloomberg has launched a campaign to attack the rights of American gun owners," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, "it is obvious he is rather selective about whom he considers a criminal."

"He doesn't seem at all alarmed that among the millions of illegal aliens sneaking into this country are criminals and possible terrorists," Gottlieb added. "But evidently, he thinks that scenario is far preferable to one in which law-abiding citizens can arm themselves against thugs, including ones that are here illegally."

Bloomberg also told the hearing, which was chaired by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), that if the government expects more border patrols to stop undocumented workers from pouring into the country, "you might as well sit on the beach and tell the tide not to come in."

Gottlieb also disagreed with Bloomberg's assessment of border control enforcement.

"More than a year ago," he recalled, "CCRKBA launched a campaign calling on the Bush administration to concentrate on border control, not gun control. We knew then, as we know today, that Americans are greatly concerned about illegal aliens."

"While many of those illegal immigrants are here to take jobs, others come here to commit crimes, ranging from drug trafficking to murder," Gottlieb noted. "Some of their victims have been police officers on duty. Yet there hasn't been a whimper from Mayor Bloomberg about this, only about ratcheting down on firearms.

"New York City has suffered a recent rash of stabbings, some of which were apparently committed by illegal aliens," he noted, "yet where is the mayor's concern about that? It's not the weapon, it's the criminal."

During Wednesday's hearing, Bloomberg also called the nation's immigration laws "fundamentally broken" because employers are required "not to do anything more than eyeball" a workers' documents while knowing that bogus Social Security documents and "fake green cards are a dime a dozen."

Rather than "winking at businesses that hired illegal immigrants," Bloomberg said, the government should require all workers to carry "biometric" cards that use DNA or a fingerprint ID -- and require that employers check such cards against a national database.

"Mayor Bloomberg should be demanding tighter security along our borders instead of mounting dubious gun shop stings as a way to thwart crime," Gottlieb said. "Instead of interfering with ongoing criminal investigations to grab a headline, Bloomberg should devote his energies to making this country more secure, and that doesn't require him to trample on anyone's gun rights.

"He would rather harass American gun owners who have broken no laws, instead of going after illegal aliens who have broken our immigration laws by just being on our soil," he added.

Also disagreeing with Bloomberg's testimony at the hearing was a Pennsylvania mayor who has pushed for local ordinances cracking down on illegal immigrants. Hazleton Mayor Louis Barletta used the occasion to ask for federal government assistance toward his efforts.

"We must dig deep into the city's accounts to pay for illegal immigrants, while illegal immigrants do not pay their fair share of taxes, either to the city, the county, the state or the country," Barletta said.
Dear Mayor Bloomberg:

Thank for your reinforcement of the notion that not all laws need to be obeyed. I, for one, choose not to obey unconstitutional gun control measures such as New York City attempts to foist on the rest of the nation.

Thank for for your support. My noncompliance depends on it.:)

Very truly yours,

El Tejon
Five years ago 19 illegal aliens murdered over 3000 New Yorkers. Or has he forgotten already?

NYC will be the first to require the RFID chip to be allowed to enter and work on city property, and it shall be considered bona fide positive identification. All illegal immigrants will line up to have it implanted, their credentials to work never again to be questioned by NYC. US citizens, solely to remain competitive (and even eligible) in the workmarket, will grudgingly get the implant.
(some more grudgingly than others, of course)

Other big city govts, seeing the remarkable effectiveness and increased homeland security of this program, will begin to adopt similar programs in their own cities.

that's how they'll force it own our throats!

you read it here first!
The enemy is inside the gates because someone was ordered to unlock the
gates and leave them open. Meanwhile, those of us inside the gates are
told to stay in our homes due to the terrorist menace and to rely on gov't,
rather than ourselves, to protect ourselves, our families and our futures.
Rather than "winking at businesses that hired illegal immigrants," Bloomberg said, the government should require all workers to carry "biometric" cards that use DNA or a fingerprint ID -- and require that employers check such cards against a national database.
Sounds like a National ID card to me.
Sounds like a National ID card to me.
That's what I read.

There's something else I have never understood about this immigration debate.
Specter and fellow senators are trying to build support for a Senate bill that would allow a majority of the illegal immigrants in the country to eventually become legal permanent residents and citizens, after paying at least $3,250 in fines, fees and back taxes and learning English.
Once I make them legal - how can I afford them? I thought that the whole point of Bloomberg's (and other RINOs and Dems) position was that the illegal immigrants did jobs cheaper than our homegrown US labor. But if they are made legal and subsequently have to be paid minimum wage same as any other unskilled/semi-skilled US worker, have I not just effectively ensured that the majority of them will be unemployed since I can't afford to pay for all of 'em at current US minimum wages?

How does THAT work?
Excellent point Rbernie! Maybe we should all call the senators/congressmen supporting amnesty and ask them...It'd be amusing to hear the sound of thier heads exploding trying to explain and justify that paradox!
I wonder how people can function when they are so disconnected from reality.

They simply don't and there is the problem with out government and the
wealthy corporations, in fact in my opinion they are so disconnected they
are driving this train into the ocean.:cuss:
Five years ago 19 illegal aliens murdered over 3000 New Yorkers. Or has he forgotten already?
point of clarification: many of the hijackers were actually here legally via student visas and such.

I wonder how people can function when they are so disconnected from reality.
5 billion dollars, that's how

God I wish he would leave my city and go back to Boston. I believe Bloomberg is the Red Sox fans revenge against us. You know the Yankees haven't won the series since he's been the mayor and Boston finally did. Makes you think...[ I adjust my tinfoil hat]
Some of them had visas but had either let them expire or never did abide by the terms of them. Mohammed Atta was on a tourist visa and it had expired and his student visa wasn't approved until months after the suicide attack.

It makes my blood boil, Atta and several other hijackers were stopped numerous times for traffic violations but never put away. He even left the country 3-4 times with the expired visa and each time he was let back in. Enforcement of immigration law would have prevented at least 1 of the planes from being hijacked.
These politicians like Bloomberg support these nitpicking
gunlaws I have to try to keep up with, and them they
want to reward others for flaunting the law. P.O. Big time.
Where is Ross Perot when we need him? I'm looking for a 3rd party to break up this Dem/Rep stranglehold. There's not a tits worth of difference between them. Bloomer bought his office. He and both parties suck up to the illegal crap. Build the 1k mile wall 15ft high with consertina at the top. Rep Sensenbrenner has it right. Kennedy and Hagel are lapdogs, kissing the illiegals rear orfice. Vote half these ****oles out of office. Have a nice day.:)
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