NYC Mayor Deserves Neither Freedom Nor Safety

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Homeland Security, Campign Reform. Closer and closer are the King and the Court Jesters in the House and Senate making us a Police State
Bomb (not dope, not non-detection) dogs just standing at the turnstile would be a minimal intrusion.

If they alert, pull the guy into an area away from the line and request to make a search. That at least satisfies a probable cause test to search.

Visual inspections are useless. I hide my bombs in innocuous containers, Joe Cop ain't finding it just by looking.
<Unnecessary comment removed by Art>

Seriously my solution is allow only clear bags on the subway the way they do at some Nascar tracks.
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All of you that are against bag searches,what other thing can you offer that will work.
Dogs. Seems to me like the only reasonable, non-intrusive, and effective measure, the only one that isn't just window-dressing.
It depends on how determined the terrorists are. Random checks may dissuade them from the subway to a softer target. Their odds of being caught were 0%, now they are 20%. This is something they will definitely consider when planning.

You're right if we're talking about the "plant the bomb, set a timer and run away" type bombers, but for a suicide bomber he'll just detonate when searched so its not much of a deterant there.

All of you that are against bag searches,what other thing can you offer that will work.
rhubarb posted the best solution in his first post.
They'd be better off giving each n every New Yorker a Jennings .22.
Although simple Shall Issue CCW would work better.
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That socialist Bloomberg would start screaming if his (fake republican) socialism were applied to him. Lets just start with redistribution of wealth.... I get half of his, he gets half of mine!!! Then lets apply to sports...The points get split equally between the two teams...EQUALITY..Who will get off the bench??? No one if they have a brain, because it does not matter. The same in Communist societies. I heard of this discussion in Boulder, Colorado from a co-worker...(waitress to table of customers) ..."Communism was a good idea. It didn't work before because the people got lazy". I would say that when equality is enforced, people will do the least work to remain equal without being (compassionately, of course) executed. Of course this does not apply to the elitists who view themselves as God-like.
Checking my copy of the Constitution, it says "Provide for the Common Defense". Hmmm......nothing in there remotely close to "we guarantee* that nothing bad will happen to you."

I'm with everyone else, harden the target: every able-bodied New Yorker gets a CCW, training and free ammo.

Terrorist go: :what: and look for an easier target like........Texas !!!

(*Guarantee not valid in Alaska, Hawaii or the Continental US, or anywhere else approved or prohibited by law.)
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