Obama attacks First Amendment rights of NRA

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Jan 3, 2003
Doing My Patriotic Duty:
As co-blogger Jonathan reports below, the Obama campaign has sicced its lawyers on t.v. stations that might air a well-sourced NRA advertisement that correctly points out Obama's longstanding anti-gun record. The proper response to such attempts to infringe on the First Amendment is to make sure that the video in question receives the widest circulation possible, to deter the Obama campaign, and other campaigns for that matter, from engaging in such tactics in the future. So here it is. Share it with a friend, with a note that Obama is threatening legal action against stations that run it, in violation of the First Amendment.


NEED tech savy person to attach video here.
im waiting to see what liberal stations stand behind the right to free speach when they are asked to air this commercial....my bet is none and the NRA wasted a lot of money making this info-mercial that will only be seen by the folks who wont for o'bama anyway.
Yeah--and it was McCain who said the NRA couldn't air any spots at all within 90 days of an election. Until the SCOTUS finally got off it's a-- and decided there is a First Amendment.


The 2A may have a clear choice in this election. I'm not sure who's for the 1A, though.
Well, if there was a Bogardus Campaign Reform Act, it'd give the critters running for office a set amount of money each, and tell them that they can run x-amount of print ads, containing only words - no pictures.

No TV. No radio. No interwebz.

Make the marks have to read to choose...
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