Obamatrade AKA the Trans Pacific Partnership could take away gun rights!!!!

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Mar 5, 2015
First please read how the Trans Pacific Partnership Secret Treaty may EFFECT gun rights and the 2nd amendment in are US Constitution http://gunowners.org/alert1142015.htm & http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/2nd-amendment-threatened-in-obamas-trade-plans/ Please as well watch this Youtube Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfT7__lXX6Q

Hi I do not know how many of you have heard about the Trans Pacific Partnership trade treaty being negotiated by President Obama and 12 other Asian nations including communist Vietnam. Many have complained about this treaty because most of this trade treaty is being done in secret http://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/nov/13/wikileaks-trans-pacific-partnership-chapter-secret and this treaty is almost complete. Sadly many Republicans are joining President Obama in supporting this bad trade treaty and want to give President Obama massive power by allowing him to make the rules for this treaty by granting President Obama a procedure called Fast Track Authority or Trade Promotion Authority http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/gop-leaders-to-grant-obama-enormous-new-power/. What will this treaty do? Well many are calling this Trans Pacific Partnership treaty NAFTA on Steroids http://www.thenewamerican.com/econo...rship-nafta-on-steroids-threatens-sovereignty Most of this treaty has zero to do with trade and has more to do with Corporate power grabs. From Censoring the Free and Open internet to extending unlimited patents on brand named drugs and price increases and getting rid of AFFORDABLE generic drugs, to food safety, to even getting rid of Made in America on food and manufactured products so no one knows where there food is coming from http://economyincrisis.org/content/the-tpp-to-stop-made-in-america all of that and more exist in this Trans Pacific Partnership treaty. You can examine more here http://act.americanjobsalliance.com/issue/tpp-threatens-american-jobs-freedoms/

Anyway what scared me most about this treaty is that no one knows what President Obama is going to regulate in this trade treaty. Yet the Republicans are willing to give President Obama Fast Track and if the House and Senate Pass Fast Track or Trade Promotion Authority once this treaty is complete which is expected THIS MARCH it will only take 51 votes in the Senate to pass the Trans Pacific Partnership and there can be NO AMENDMENTS or Changes and NO FILIBUSTER stopping this Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Treaty.

I urge everyone here to call there Congressman and Senators by clicking here >> https://www.opencongress.org/people/zipcodelookup

Then please sign this petition: http://cms.fightforthefuture.org/stopfasttrack-email/

Utah RINO Senator Orrin Hatch who gave America Liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader http://godfatherpolitics.com/17367/republicans-confirmed-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ & today Communist Attorney General Loretta Lynch http://hotair.com/archives/2015/02/...etta-lynch-as-ag-thanks-to-three-republicans/ is pushing hard for this treaty now that he is head of the Senate Finance Committee http://thehill.com/policy/finance/230028-hatch-says-trade-promotion-authority-a-necessity

We must stop OBAMATRADE. Please help stop the Trans Pacific Partnership by signing the petition and calling your elected representatives. Thanks
Treaties do not over rule the Constitution. The UN small arms treaty didn't over rule the 2nd Amendment, neither will this.

Considering this is your first post, and that you joined today, presumably just to post this I have to take this with a large grain of salt. There has been a lot of fear mongering about 'Obama gunna take our guns' and I see this as more of the same.
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