Obama: Don't stock up on guns

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Sixstar, don't take it personally, nobody has any gripe with you... Of course Obama says we can take him at his word. That's what liars always say (e.g. "trust me", "I certainly wouldn't lie to you", etc.). Just look at his voting record in IL as outlined in this thred. His record speaks volumes about him. He's anti gun and so are his VP, chief of staff, and most others on his team. They'll push for some much needed legislation, then during one of those special late night sessions that the senate and house are so fond of, they'll hide a piggy-back provision in it affecting our 2A rights. While you're sleeping the bill will be introduced, voted on, and passed. Even worse, the press won't report on it just as they never reported on any of the other critial questions about Obama that surfaced during the campaign. Hope I'm wrong, but that's the way I see it.
so are his VP, chief of staff, and most others on his team.

Everybody keeps saying this about Emanuel - but the funny thing is, Rahm Emanuel is the reason why there's so many pro-gun Democrats in congress right now. He's the one who went to Dean in '06 and said - we gotta cut this crap, it doesn't win us any votes in these areas.

I look at the vast majority of these people as Politicians first, ideologues second. Smart Politicians are only going to go with ideology that they think is going to keep them in office, or win them more power/more votes. Enough people in the democratic party have realized that the gun issue is simply not the power-play they once thought it was. The current buying craze is simply more evidence of that.

Could they try to do it? Of course they could - and I wouldn't rule it out. Like I said - I don't have a crystal ball. I think looking at reality of politics - it's highly unlikely to go anywhere. Aside from the logistical considerations of actually getting something passed, I think this is an issue both sides want to keep bludgeoning each other with for many elections to come. It raises a whole hell of a lot of money for both the NRA and the Brady campaign.
Sinixstar said:
I mean, is this the pattern for how things are going to go for the next four years - every time he opens his mouth and says the word "gun" we're going to have a re-hash of his political career with endless pages of "he's a liar"? If so - just let me know now.

Yes, that's about the size of it. Now you know.

Sinixstar said:
For quite awhile now - people have been complaining about the "do nothing democratic congress". Now that those in power are thinking about doing something - we don't want them to.

In my little world, "Congress not doing anything" is always a win. :)

Bibba613 said:
The point is that it's a pissing contest to see who can be most distrustful of the government, which is a badge of courage here.


You got us. :evil:

I've noticed something today: whenever someone quotes Obama verbatim, I mentally hear the words in his voice. I don't normally experience that. Sure, he's really got a mellifluous voice, but What. The. Hell??? If this goes on, maybe you'll see me in a silver beret (remember, kids: the shiny side of the tin foil goes out, to reflect the mind-control rays :D ).

Sinixstar said:
I mean, let me ask you guys a question - what would you do if he came out a month from now, and said "ya know what - i studied the data, a lot of the stuff that's been done in the past was a waste of time and money - a lot of us made a mistake, and we're not going to go down that road again as far as gun control goes."

What would you do?

I'd write, in public, "Holy crap...I'm wrong again." The first time was when I thought that Lipstick Sarah would carry John McCain into the White House.

Sinixstar said:
Rahm Emanuel is the reason why there's so many pro-gun Democrats in congress right now. He's the one who went to Dean in '06 and said - we gotta cut this crap, it doesn't win us any votes in these areas.

I did not know that. Thank you.

My take on it, au fond, is along these lines:

the President-elect said:
I think people can take me at my word.
Has no one told the gentleman that he is a politician?
Sinixstar how about a government that acts-in the interest of the people

Instead of on behalf of a few degenerates with big money to spend. I want a government that will act-to put itself out of business and return the money and control of our lives back over to the law-abiding taxpaying people and send the rest packing back to whatever rock they crawled out from under.

Instead of on behalf of a few degenerates with big money to spend. I want a government that will act-to put itself out of business and return the money and control of our lives back over to the law-abiding taxpaying people and send the rest packing back to whatever rock they crawled out from under.

Hey - i'd like that too. Now show me a politician who's not bought and paid for. Every politician answers to somebody - and unfortunately, it's not us for the most part.
Don't need him to answer to us - just support and defend the constitution, and run the business of the country as efficiently as possible. Quit trying to carve out a plae in history for himsel by lobbying for radical entitlement programs and lead government in getting leaner and less intrusive.

To think of 56% of the electorate voted for that BASTARD , what percentage ly about it??? kinda like sex ,i guess like sorta' how many liars are here./?????
I guess demorats will give an honest answer, like an earlier quest (What The Hell Did We Just Do) tho no one did kinda' like Yugoslavia , or doesn't anyone remember that war (christians vs Muslims) ahem , what next???
I guess no one thinks your new PRES. won't be busy???

I guess i won't waste my time waiting for a bailout.....
ADD 1 of the 44
I find that the most hysterical of all. On a gun board where mentioning any "illegal" activity will get a thread shut down, we expect people in private will openly defy the government even at risk to their lives.

I'm sorry if what you gathered from my earlier post was "Break any and all laws whenever possible." I Simply stated that this isn't the first time we've faced unconstitutional problems and it won't be the last.
Hey, stop buying guns you guys I'm serious. You don't NEED th- uh I mean you already have enou- uh... Look. We aren't going to make them illegal, promise. :eek: :evil:

I don't really care if he's popular here. What's the point?
Can anybody explain that?
you're putting his statements into context. Great - for what - the 100000th time now? Is there anyone on here that isn't aware of what was said/done in the past?

I mean, is this the pattern for how things are going to go for the next four years - every time he opens his mouth and says the word "gun" we're going to have a re-hash of his political career with endless pages of "he's a liar"? If so - just let me know now.

Well, yes and no. Yes in the sense that will happen every time Obama says "gun"- but he also doesn't necessarily have to say anything for any particular discussion take place. And I.M.O. asking that we not discuss certain topics if not justified per one's own measure of relevance is not the best strategy. O.T.O.H. you also shouldn't be told to S.T.F.U. and G.T.F.O. of here either, because the D.U. has probably had to deal with a fair share of gunforum trolls over the years too, interfering with bitch-sessions about the current president.
Everybody keeps saying this about Emanuel - but the funny thing is, Rahm Emanuel is the reason why there's so many pro-gun Democrats in congress right now. He's the one who went to Dean in '06 and said - we gotta cut this crap, it doesn't win us any votes in these areas.

I'd just call that being an opportunist. Some politicians seem to say anything to get elected. It's all about the image and becoming more marketable and popular. Actions, however, speak louder than words.
"I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment..."

Let's take his statement and apply it to the first amendment.

"I believe in common-sense free exercise of religion laws, and I believe in the first amendment,"

"I believe in common-sense freedom of speech laws, and I believe in the first amendment,"

"I believe in common-sense peaceful assembly laws, and I believe in the first amendment,"

"I believe in common-sense right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances laws, and I believe in the first amendment,"

For some inexplicable reason people forget their 2nd amendment rights but they go nuts if you infringe on their 1st amendment rights.

actually we have "common sense" 1st amendment laws

"free speech ZONES" anyone?
"common sense" is the new buzzword for incremental prohibition of anything not just gun rights.
we're going to "common sense" our way right into a clone of not-so-Great Britain soon.

Then we'll be padding telephone polls for blackberry junkies and offering governement flip flops to drunken revelers in high heels at taxpayer expense. (look it up these are already happening in GB, along with banning replica squirt guns):banghead:

congress has to pass the laws and the dem cant control the repubs IF we dont let the them, keep the repub feet to the fire with out scorching them.
we do have some questionable repubs.and OB cant do apresidential order unless there is a law in place.:rolleyes::uhoh::fire:
Everybody keeps saying this about Emanuel - but the funny thing is, Rahm Emanuel is the reason why there's so many pro-gun Democrats in congress right now. He's the one who went to Dean in '06 and said - we gotta cut this crap, it doesn't win us any votes in these areas.

And this is exactly the kind of strategy that shows this man is patient and
focused on long-term goals in winning a war.

He's someone the other party could learn a thing or two or more from. You
know, the party that completely lost the Hill and WH. That party is in total
claw and scrape for survival mode and isn't going to take any line right now
or anytime I can see in the immediate future that is anywhere toward right
or conservative out of the spinelessly moderate position it has now taken.

This is why I seriously question maintaining the Second Amendment over this
next administration despite being thrown the sinewy bone of one SCOTUS
ruling which has yet to even be observed in actual practice in DC!!!
I'd just call that being an opportunist. Some politicians seem to say anything to get elected. It's all about the image and becoming more marketable and popular. Actions, however, speak louder than words.

But it sure makes life difficult if you try to go back to those same people, and ask them to go against what got them in office to begin with.
Sinixstar said:
Some people just look for reasons I have a gripe I see.

He didn't just come out with that - he was asked about it directly. You should probably get an idea of what exactly is asked, and what is said - and not just take the media's second hand account as the whole story. Sound bytes are only part of reality.

Isn't that the point though?
People aren't running out and buying AR's and AK's as fast as they can find them because of some sound bytes or because of what was said in some interview. They're buying them because the man's record speaks for itself.

And my real gripe is that this is an issue at all.
If we were dealing with a pro-rights president the question wouldn't need to be asked.
If we were dealing with a pro-rights president, no one would feel the need to run out and spend money that they can't afford to on expensive rifles to make sure they'll have one in case they need it.
But the doubts are there and people are buying guns at an incredible rate. What explanation do you have for that?

Is it possible that people are overreacting?
I don't remember if this came up in our other conversations but do you own any military style semi-automatic rifles?
Would you be willing to sell them now?
Maybe you could work a deal with some new gunowners here on THR...
You sell them your AR-15's now and if nothing happens, you buy them back from them for the same price in five years. If something does happen, you could pay them however much the fair market value of your rifles are at that time - if you could even still legally buy back them at all.

Are you that confident that nothing is going to happen?

Because I wouldn't be...
RICHARDKCMO - " To think of 56% of the electorate voted for that BASTARD ..."

I believe the percentage of the electorate who voted for The Great Lord Obama The Magnificent, The One Mighty And Strong, The Savior Of Mankind, was actually 52%, not 56%. (?)

Not at all the "landslide" some try to make it out to be.

Not at all the "landslide" some try to make it out to be.

without turning this into an overt discussion on electoral process- Reagan's win in '80 was pretty weak too - roughly 55/45.
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