Obama Gun Agenda

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Personal Attack? Hardly

Oh, really? So "And it appears you are among those wearing the Monica style knee pads" is a term of endearment?

Spare me.

I'd love to see a line-for-line. Heck, while you're at it, pull up a copy of the bill the OP referenced and show us where Obama had anything to do with it.

Oh wait, you can't. Because he didn't. Pretty crazy, huh?

The fact remains, the OP posted about a two-year-old dead bill, that had absolutely zero connection to Barack Obama, yet somehow, the OP (and others, including you) can't admit that the two are not linked.

Contrary to what you'd like to think about me, I'm fully aware of the opinions our new president holds when it comes to the Right of the people to keep and bear arms. It's one of the main reasons I didn't vote for him.

However - I'm not so ignorant or hard-headed that I can't understand facts when I am presented with them.

The facts are, as I've already stated:

1. Obama had nothing to do with this bill, including being a co-sponsor.
2. The bill is long dead, which makes it a non-issue even if he had been a part of it.

Those are the facts. It's not our fault that you and others like you are so...terrified, enraged, frustrated or shell-shocked that Mr. Obama was elected to see that he's not involved in every evil notion that finds it's way out of Washington. Believe it or not, there are other individuals out there who aim to take our rights away - it didn't start with Obama, and it's not going to end with him either.

And frankly, you can doubt my commitment to the 2A all you want - I don't particularly care. The difference between you and I, is that while you're calling for Obama's head on a silver platter in payment for every supposed injustice that comes down the pike and insulting anyone who doesn't share the same knee-jerk reaction as you, I'll actually be researching and learning about who's responsible, and then making an effort to see that they don't succeed.

I think you and a few of your cohorts(including a mod and several Senior Members) started down this road long before me....

If it's such a hassle for you to be here amongst all of us, why do you do it? I'm sure there are many, many other forums out there filled with real, no-nonsense, good Christian Americans just like yourself. Why bother with us pansy, liberal, Obama-fied peasants?
Hoot, did you ever read the thread before you started in on this nonsense.

Here are the facts that you seem to have skipped over.

The original poster did a "drive-by" posting calling HR 1022 the "Obama Gun Agenda" and then offered a completely flawed analysis saying that the pistol provisions applied to only a single firearm over a century old.

The post has several problems.

  1. Carolyn McCarthy introduced the bill. Obama's name is not attached in to it in any way.
  2. This bill was introduced in 2007. As you may recall, Obama wasn't president then.
  3. The analysis of the pistol section revealed a complete lack of awareness as to what the antigun folks are actually trying to ban.

You seem to be operating under the misconception that because certain posters have the wherewithal think critically about what is posted and realize that there are other forces working for gun control other than Obama, they somehow support Obama. You are dead wrong.

The Obama Nation is in denial.....they think they can pull the wool over everybody's eyes that doesn't worship His Majesty's agenda.
Once again, this has nothing to do with Obama. This was not his agenda. This was a bill introduced by McCarthy in 2007.

Just because we can differentiate between a former thread and current threats doesn't mean we are blind to current threats. But saying that Obama's agenda is a 2 year old gun bill that died in committee is just ludicrous.

The original poster was wrong. Period. HR 1022 was not Obama's agenda. HR 1022's pistol provisions didn't only target a single hand gun. This facts are indisputable.

This thread wasn't about Obama, aside from a misleading title, until you somehow managed to confuse people who are aware of the facts and previous legislation with people who support Obama.

Your logic is akin to the following exchange:
OP: The Russians plan to bomb Pearl Harbor!
Everyone else: That was the Japanese and they did it over 60 years ago.
Hoot: You guys are all commie ruskie lovers for denying the Russians wan to bomb Pearl Harbor!
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Baba Louie said:
I wonder how many of those Guests can do a search herein or knew about McCarthy's HR1022? They might learn something from lurking by reading Regigs OP and following the link.
Unfortunately, based on Regig's post, they would have bad information.

Baba Louie said:
some on THR aren't always as gentle on newbies as they could be
This is true and I am guilty on this thread. I actually did think about whether I was too harsh and in retrospect, perhaps my response was too severe. That said, it would be nice is people would take a few minutes to think about and verify their posts before passing around bad information. I'll admit I'm a little short of patience when it comes to a bill that has been floating around for 2 years being passed off as something new. We have plenty of things going on right now to be aware of without bad information floating around. It's important, at least in my mind, that we react appropriately to real and current threats, instead of just rehashing dead issues. Not only does it spread misinformation, but it makes us look stupid. One of our best defenses is to appear as an educated bunch of activists with our finger on the pulse of what is happening. Bad information and generalized attacks on liberals doesn't convery that image very well. Just my two cents.
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