Obama's Hidden Message

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Nov 27, 2008
The White House has published its 4-year agenda on the Whitehouse.gov website. The agenda is broken into topics so it is easy to look up something of interest.

SPORTSMEN is a sub-set of Other and states that the White House wants to build coalitions with sportsmen to continue paying for conservation.

Where is there any mention of the infamous gun control supported by Mr. Obama, Biden, Clinton, Holder, etc?

Tucked down under the section URBAN there is a section on Livability where they list the following:
  • Repeal the Tiahrdt Ammendment
  • Eliminate the "Gun Show Loophole"
  • Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban
People need to explain to non-shooters exactly what garbage these items are so they understand they are bing duped. Explain that the agenda is written with false statements and what is wrong with those statements. Need help with the explanation? Contact the NSSF and download their pamphlet for media and writers.
If this is what they intend to do in their first 4, imagine what could be coming down the pipe. If he's willing to push this kind of control through when worrying about getting re-elected, imagine what he is going to push through on his way out of office (2nd term). He already has it in his head that he's going to run for reelection.
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