Obamas SOTU speech.

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Feb 28, 2009
Apparently he's going to have a empty chair representing gun victims. Does he think or talk about anything but guns? There are no other problems in this county?
I've already have decided to miss the SOTU address I don't own a pair of hipboots nor do I work in a sewerage facility.
If I attempt to listen to that guy talk I find myself overwhelmed with nausea. I think I must be allergic to the sound of his voice.

FWIW-He keeps harping on guns because he thinks it appeals to his base. He also uses it to try to distract from everything else going on that he does not want to discuss.
I have zero interest in what he has to say.
You can tell he lies (about anything) when his lips move.
What is the over/under about the minute mark he cries about the victims of "gun violence"?
I do have to thank him for being the best darn gun salesman we've ever had.
The bright side is the Dems are making it a real point - I suspect the gun-owning "base" will be out for the election.
I try to avoid watching any of BHO's speeches. I don't have any spare television remotes and the TV is too expensive to replace.
The empty seat seems to stand for the American People who he has failed to serve, or even represent since being elected.
Listening now. Talking about bi-partisan things, and how GREAT the economy is. :rolleyes:

Just bracing myself for the gun control stuff he's about to spout I'm sure. :barf:
On a scale that goes from:

Beer Summit <--------------------------------------------------------> Tears

I think he'll shoot for the middle and promise to close GITMO again.
I'm watching it right now. It is SAD when everyone won't stand and clap when the President of the United States says that the USA is the most powerful nation in the world.
That sad moment when you believe the words coming from Putin over our own Pres.... :banghead::scrutiny: Our country hasnt been this divided since the civil war.
me and my friend r playing the SOTu drinking game, needless to say im absolutely hammered
this clown has had 7 years to do the things he now says we need to do.........
Listening to him doesn't do my BP any good, so I'm passing. I cannot stand the man, or what he stands for.

At least I got to vote against him 3 times. Once as IL senator, twice as president.

If he ran for dog catcher, I'd vote against him again.
Heard an interview Obamanocchio gave Matt Lauer. He mentioned all the problems in America like Hurricane Katrina and the Iraq War. He's still blaming Bush!
Finished. No word of gun control. I watched nbc. 3 times the cameras showed Bernie, once Lindsay Graham, twice Rubio, twice McCain. No Cruz, no Ron Paul was either there?

No mention of the 10 sailors captured by Iran today.
I literally forced my self to watch that to see if guns where brought up. No I guess his geting gas under $2.00 a gal is enough to cement his legacy.
"On a scale that goes from:

Beer Summit <--------------------------------------------------------> Tears"

I'm picturing one of those carnival hammer games, with the bell above 'Tears' labeled 'Killing Bin Laden' right now...

I think the empty chair probably scored '96lb Weakling' (is two less than 98lbs) :D

I literally forced my self to watch that to see if guns where brought up. No I guess his geting gas under $2.00 a gal is enough to cement his legacy.
If the state of our education system is any indication, the joke's on him. 100 years from now, textbooks will say, "Barack Obama, our first black president."

Nothing else. No accomplishments, no failures. Just his skin. That'll be enough, and they'll be lucky to get kids to remember that much about him.
If the state of our education system is any indication, the joke's on him. 100 years from now, textbooks will say, "Barack Obama, our first black president."

Nothing else. No accomplishments, no failures. Just his skin. That'll be enough, and they'll be lucky to get kids to remember that much about him.
What? But he personally took out Bin Laden! And ended our dependence on foreign oil!
God I can't wait till he goes away. I really worry what under the table gun controls he has planed.
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