Obey the rules and die!

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I like it.

I'd tweak it by centering and enlarging the text at the top, removing 'never again', and filling the center space with 'One armed...obeying the rules'.

I think the 'never again' takes over, and prevents the real message (armed resistance stops mass shooters in their tracks), from being digested properly.
Lets give the people more of a mature professional image to keep in mind.

Without tone, this will sound like I have my feathers ruffled, and I assure you, that's not the case...

Just want to point out that I am a mature professional. As a data warehouse specialist with almost 10 years of programming experience, I think I qualify. :)
I think I agree that the book needs to be in the picture with the gun. It is not an either/or issue. Even though the quick, first-glance message is good (for THR members, at least), education and guns do go together. A picture will be analyzed over time.

I might even suggest that the picture with the book be narrowed, so she looks like 1/2 a person -- a complete human being has books AND guns. Might mess up the framing composition, though -- there are always tradeoffs.
Also agree with 'Geek's' caption. Have to point out the 1 sq in. of skin visable when the model is armed is very seductive. Well done and a great message. I have two daughters, both very small yet, and don't ever think to say thanks for all the great 'armed and female' images you create--you really are the vanguard of that info war. Thanks, Oleg.
It is the most profound two sentence pro gun statement ever! Billboards and bumper stickers for all!

Seriously... Coin that Geek!
This is an issue near and dear to my heart. People have died because the wrong policy was in force at the time.
I like it, but I'm not feeling it like I think I should.
Let me show you a few of the posters you've done that have hit a sweet spot for me:
I think this one is excellent. The line that you want comes first naturally and it conveys gravity with color, a hard thing to do.
I love rhymes!
The only problem I see with this one is the question mark: I don't think it should be there. It takes a page from the motivational posters for its style and it isn't blatantly about firearms at first glance.
This is an excellent poster for areas like California that protest freedom in one area, but turn around and restrict freedom in another way. This shows very well that both forms of control are hazardous.
Very eye-catching. You see this and think "is that what I think it is..?" and it gets you interested in the poster. Also the words that are important are bolded, which helps.
So, from those home runs, I'd make these suggestions:
Make it eye-catching and mysterious. The main problem with that poster, I think, is that the catchy part of it is the end line. I'm not sure how to fix it, but I think it is a problem. Also, it uses a slogan that is heart-felt by many gun owners, but I'm not sure the anti or undecided crowd would feel the same way. But I'm also not sure who this is targeting.
Good things:
It conveys the gravity well with color. It's not too boring, though I think it is possible to improve on this bit.
Very good over all.
Just my $.50.
EDIT: Geek's got it. Love that line.
Geek's line

Here's an idea for a poster incorporating Geek's line:
When obeying the rules gets you killed...
(Show a dead student, books in hand or spilled on the floor, much like some of your rape posters, with blood in a small river coming from his/her body, maybe even show the bottom half guy walking with a pistol just cut off at the hand (think the famous picture from Columbine where Harris and Klebold are "patrolling" the school, you really want to get the subject matter across) .)
It's time for new rules.
(Show a student with a firearm standing over the body of a dead attacker.)
I'd make this a vertical poster, but that's how I read. It would be quite tall as a vertical, though.
TonyStarks, check my signature line for links (you can buy tshirts, I am not set up for poster printing yet but do provide hi-res printable files on my site)
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