odd rifling....

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Jan 31, 2009
Westlake Ohio
What kind of rifling is this, and is it unique to this gun?

(Can't help wonder how they cut those slots back in those days)

What type of pistol is that. It is very cool. Not that I have a clue as to the type of rifling but does it have a twist?
The picture is from Wikipedia (supposedly) of the derringer used by Booth to assasinate Abraham Lincoln.

It is called a "Philadelphia Derringer". I don't recall ever seeing rifling like this.

I've seen rifling far deeper than that on old rifles. Had it been deeper the muzzle would have the appearance of an *.
Don't askl me how they cut it though.
They cut it by hand, with a steel broch or scraper, in a wooden rifling fixture, one groove at a time.
(Patience, skill, and hard work was once a virtue in America.)

The deep grooves were intended to cut down on BP fouling to make reloading possible after an extend firing session.

How that related to a Henry Deringer Deringer, I have no idea.

(Yes, Deringer is the correct spelling)

Re: spelling

If Henry made it, it's a Deringer with an upper case D and one r as in brand name logo. Otherwise its a derringer with a lower case d and a double rr as in a type of pistol. This probably arose because the knock offs were trying to evade copyright issues.
Henry made that one. I doubt he was happy with the use to which his product was put.

When I first saw that pistol many years ago, the hammer screw was broken off in the tumbler and the head missing. Apparently some genius at the NPS decided to have the screw replaced while Ford's Theater was closed for renovation.

That did not go unnoticed and the result was a lot of finger pointing and questions about whether the gun was actually the original or if someone sold the original to a crooked collector and substituted another gun. That is how the FBI got into the act, asked to try to determine the truth.

Unlike the FBI, I had only pictures to go by, but concluded, as did the FBI, that the gun is the original, just with the hammer screw replaced. But in some circles, there is still controversy.

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