Off-the-shelf self-healing 4x8 rubber sheeting like Linatex?

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Feb 8, 2013
● Has anyone found a off-the-shelf 4x8 sheets of rubber comparable to Linatex? -- Preferably from a place like Home Depot...
● And have you used this substitute?
I've never seen anything like it at big box home stores, but you can look for local sources of mine conveyor belt that has been retired. You find this at mining and gravel pit operations.
I assume you are using this for a target backer.I use mud flaps from tractor trailers.They aren't as big,but they are self healing and cheap.
appreciate the mining info.. i should have reasonable access, if i take time to call around enough.
if it takes me a while to get a 4ft wide belt, i can live with semi mud flap size unitil May. lol.
Just overlap them to make as wide an area as you need.

BTW, just hang them. You want them to move as freely as possible when the bullet hits to rob more of the energy than if they were anchored top and bottom.
Yeah, I'll overlap by 6" and only fasten the top of the sheets -- like Linatex practices.
Owen, do you find the bounce from .22 or .38 to be dangerous?
We use old conveyor belting from a gravel quary, it works really well and you can staple paper targets to it. Check with quarys around your area some have piles of it out back waiting to be hauled off.
luvit... I haven't been hit by one. I'm sure it would sting like hell.
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but i'm looking for 4x8 or larger.. and hoping not as heavy as those horse mats so I can hang them.. but i've never felt the weight of ballistic rubber.
you can use a yoga mat. Cut it, glue several layers together, compress it aka cover it with a trash bag and park on it, be sure to glue base frame in between layers
You can get stall mats in 2x4 foot sizes as well. much easier to handle. Got mine at Tractor Supply Co.
Tractor Supply if you have one sells stall mats in various thicknesses: 1/4, 3/8, 3/4 inch. I use the 3/4 as a backer for my range as well as a 2-foot high front stop to keep dirt from falling out the front of the backstop.
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