Officer shoots himself in leg

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The "suspect" ends up in cuffs, lucky that he wasn't gunned down when the detective shot himself. And for what? The guy probably forgot to put a return address on an envelope. What's happening to this country?

What about the recent rash of incindiary letters being sent to heads of government?

Or anthrax and ricin letters?

Or letter bombers like the unibomber?

Postal inspectors often have some pretty serious work to do.

Last time I called them, it was about checks stolen out of a citizen's mailbox, with his signature forged on them to steal thousands of dollars in government checks from him. These are real crimes.
They work a fair amount of kiddie porn too. A fair number of pedophiles dont trust computers and think the net's too risky, so they go postal. Kudos to any inspectors who can put a dent in that action.
El Tejon:

We may have a difference in opinion, but then perhaps not.

First of all I agree with you that simply dropping a handgun into a pocket isn't a good idea.

However if the handgun is a double-action revolver, and its carried in a well designed pocket holster that covers the trigger guard I don't see that this mode is particularly stupid or dangerous - I sometimes do it myself. Hopefully I am not dumb, but some might say ...

On the other hand I wouldn't carry a single-action automatic in this mode unless the hammer was fully down, (something that isn't likely) or a Glock or similar style pistol. Glock pistols were never intended to be carried this way.
Actually. Pax took the words right out of my mouth. It' true that LEOs handle weapons under stressful situtations at least dozens of times a year. The law of averages dictates careless handling of firearms will catch up to them on a more frequent basis than the average CCW. Any reported ND with an LEO involved is always the topic of numerous seemingly endless threads.
Coupla observations I'll make as a cop:

1. Most cops do NOT carry regularly off-duty. They are thus not fully comfortable and adept at carrying and deploying a pistol in and from deep cover.

2. No local department that I personally know of trains in off-duty carry or deployment of firearms. Sure, most require qualification of off-duty guns, but usually proper deployment is not practiced.

3. This cop thus very possibly-- likely even-- deviated from what he had trained for and practiced, attempting something utterly new to him in a live circumstance, when stress was higher than normal. Not just really good odds, there.

4. We hear about cops more because:

  • [a.] Anytime a cop does something like this, it's newsworthy, and
    [b.] Cops in the US are much more likely to be carrying than even CCW/CHL holders. In my experience, even here in Texas, only about 1 in 5 CHL holders is carrying when I make contact with him. [Dismal.] (A local CHL holder that I stopped last week laughed when I asked him: "Are you armed right now? Why not?" He said,"You always say that when you pull me over." But he keeps not carrying!) The incidence of gun faux pas is much more likely to involve a cop.
I'll bite-
I will carry either a Kahr PM-9, a S&W 342, or an NAA .32 Guardian in a pocket but only in a properly sized pocket holster. I feel okay with that as all three are DAO. I also make sure to have front pockets sized properly to do so.

Given the choice, I carry my Glock G-19 in my duty holster (I work plainclothes).
No darn wonder why all those police orgs. were against the sunsetting of AWB. It takes a lot of training to bring a LEO on line! Those high caps would be amputating legs from coast to coast. I take it back. The major police orgs. aren't anti-2nd Amendment! They are just trying to protect "the children"! After all, those worker comp. claims are expensive!:D
Yup, stick your hand in your pants, and things just "go off"! Nothing more is needed! YUP!? Hell, not even when I was a teenager! :rolleyes:
KLR, "reached into his pants to make sure his pistol was accessible, and the gun went off"! Perhaps you do speak for everyone, but me.
It appears to me, that the "LEO ONLY" mags. should have been reserved for the the public only. I'm just suggesting this, for the protection of Police Orgs. and personell throughout the country. I do not want you guys/gals to hurt yourself. Now that the AWB is dead, we, the public, should demand that the Model 10 be mandated for all depts.. It's obviously for your own good.
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